(an place page of
(alternative access at
260 ? ? Central(1), ZM pop. 1,743,999 - ZM-08 | 260 ? ? Copperbelt(2), ZM pop. 2,642,132 - ZM-02 | 260 ? ? Eastern(3), ZM pop. 1,961,269 - ZM-03 | 260 ? ? Luapula(4), ZM pop. 1,215,294 ZM-04 | 260 ? ? Lusaka(5), ZM pop. 3,186,336 ZM-09 |
260 ? ? Muchinga(6), ZM pop. 1,011,655 ZM-10 | 260 ? ? North-Western(7), ZM pop. 902,631 ZM-06 | 260 ? ? Northern(8), ZM pop. 1,430,543 ZM-05 | 260 ? ? Southern(9), ZM pop. 1,852,361 ZM-07 | 260 ? ? Western(10), ZM pop. 1,041,500 ZM-01 |
Capital, Largest Cities, and Ports
260 ? ? Lusaka*, ZM pop. 1,260,000 |
260 ? ? Mpulungu+, ZM |
Telephone numbers in Zambia |
.zm |
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please contact our webmaster: Edward M. Stadick