(a place page of
(alternate access at


Nevada State Capitol, Carson City

1 89005? 702? Boulder City, Clark County, NV
pop. 15,177
1 89015? 702? Henderson(HNSN), Clark County, NV
pop. 232,146
1 89024? 702? Mesquite, Clark County, NV
pop. 13,523
1 89028? 702? Laughlin, Clark County, NV
pop. 7,076
1 89030? 702 North Las Vegas(NLVG), Clark County, NV
pop. 176,635
1 89041? 702,775? Pahrump(PHRM), Nye County, NV
pop. 24,631
1 89125? 702? Las Vegas(LSVG), Clark County, NV
pop. 545,147
1 89406? 775? Fallon, Churchill County, NV
pop. 8,103
1 89410 775? Gardnerville, Douglas County, NV
pop. 11,054
1 89431? 775? Sparks(SPRK), Washoe County, NV
pop. 82,051
1 89445 775? Winnemucca(WMNC), Humboldt County, NV
pop. 7,726
1 89450? 775831,832,833 Incline Village, Washoe County, NV
pop. 9,952
1 89501? 775? Reno(RENO), Washoe County, NV
pop. 203,550
1 89701? 775? Carson City(CRCY), Carson City, Douglas County, NV
pop. 56,062
1 89801? 775? Elko, NV
pop. 16,685

Central Offices

702 AND OTHER NV AREA CODES (19 clicks)
CRCYNV01DS05ECARSON CITY775-241; 775-246; 775-445; 775-629; 775-831; 775-832; 775-833; 775-841; 775-847; 775-849; 775-881; 775-882; 775-883; 775-884; 775-885; 775-886; 775-887; 775-888;
CRCYNV01DS1DMSCARSON CITY775-684; 775-687;
ELY NV01DS1DMSELY775-234; 775-235; 775-237; 775-238; 775-289; 775-377; 775-591; 775-863; 775-964;
HWTHNV11DS1DMSHAWTHORNE775-285; 775-572; 775-573; 775-773; 775-945;
RENONV02DS05ERENO CENTER775-202; 775-321; 775-322; 775-323; 775-324; 775-325; 775-326; 775-327; 775-328; 775-329; 775-333; 775-334; 775-337; 775-348; 775-657; 775-673; 775-674; 775-677; 775-682; 775-784; 775-785; 775-786; 775-788; 775-789; 775-850; 775-851; 775-852; 775-853; 775-971; 775-972; 775-982;
RENONV1274TD12(reno)775-793; 775-999;
RENONV12DS0D12RENO BRIDGEWOOD530-479; (ca) 775-345; 775-557; 775-624; 775-746; 775-747; 775-787;
RENONV13DS0DMSRENO LYMBERRY775-448; 775-685; 775-686; 775-688; 775-689; 775-770; 775-823; 775-824; 775-825; 775-826; 775-827; 775-828; 775-829;
SPRKNV11DS05ESPARKS775-331; 775-342; 775-343; 775-351; 775-352; 775-353; 775-354; 775-355; 775-356; 775-357; 775-358; 775-359; 775-424; 775-425; 775-475; 775-476; 775-574; 775-575; 775-577; 775-626; 775-835; 775-856; 775-857; 775-858; 775-861;
WNMCNV01DS1DMTWINNEMUCCA775-273; 775-468; 775-538; 775-623; 775-625; 775-635;
HNSNNVXFDS0DMSHENDERSON702-267; 702-291; 702-297; 702-558; 702-564; 702-565; 702-566; 702-567; 702-568; 702-856;
LSVGNVXBPS0PEOLAS VEGAS MAIN702-223; 702-224; 702-225; 702-226; 702-229; 702-295; 702-366; 702-380; 702-382; 702-383; 702-384; 702-385; 702-386; 702-387; 702-388; 702-390; 702-391; 702-392; 702-393; 702-455; 702-464; 702-471; 702-474; 702-477; 702-495; 702-571; 702-584; 702-585; 702-593; 702-594; 702-598; 702-599; 702-615; 702-671; 702-676; 702-678; 702-679; 702-759; 702-828; 702-868; 702-874; 702-875; 702-928;
LSVGNVXGDS0DMSLAS VEGAS SOUTH 5702-413; 702-414; 702-494; 702-607; 702-691; 702-694; 702-697; 702-699; 702-731; 702-732; 702-733; 702-734; 702-735; 702-770; 702-784; 702-794; 702-799; 702-836; 702-862; 702-866; 702-892; 702-923;
LSVGNVXGDS1DMSLAS VEGAS SOUTH 7702-369; 702-650; 702-667; 702-668; 702-669; 702-692; 702-693; 702-696; 702-698; 702-737; 702-765; 702-785; 702-791; 702-792; 702-796; 702-893; 702-894;
LSVGNVXHDS0DMSLAS VEGAS WEST 8702-244; 702-258; 702-259; 702-797; 702-821; 702-822; 702-870; 702-877; 702-878; 702-880;
LSVGNVXIPS0PEOLAS VEGAS EAST 2702-437; 702-438; 702-452; 702-453; 702-459; 702-531; 702-632; 702-643; 702-644; 702-651; 702-652; 702-653;
LSVGNVXKDS0DMSLAS VEGAS WEST 6702-220; 702-221; 702-222; 702-227; 702-238; 702-247; 702-248; 702-251; 702-252; 702-253; 702-257; 702-284; 702-288; 702-362; 702-364; 702-365; 702-367; 702-368; 702-402; 702-579; 702-871; 702-873; 702-876; 702-889;
LSVGNVXLDS0DMSLAS VEGAS SOUTH 6702-261; 702-262; 702-590; 702-597; 702-730; 702-736; 702-739; 702-740; 702-795; 702-798; 702-891; 702-895;
LSVGNVXMDS0DMSLAS VEGAS EAST 7702-207; 702-431; 702-432; 702-440; 702-457; 702-486; 702-641; 702-654;
LSVGNVXRDS0DMSLAS VEGAS EAST 1702-433; 702-434; 702-435; 702-436; 702-450; 702-451; 702-454; 702-456; 702-458; 702-547; 702-855; 702-898;
LSVGNVXTDS0DMSLAS VEGAS NORTH 8702-631; 702-636; 702-638; 702-646; 702-647; 702-648;
LSVGNVXWDS0DMSLAS VEGAS WEST WEST702-228; 702-233; 702-240; 702-242; 702-243; 702-254; 702-255; 702-256; 702-304; 702-341; 702-360; 702-363; 702-562; 702-804; 702-838; 702-869;
LSVGNVXUDS0DMSLAS VEGAS NORTH 5702-395; 702-396; 702-515; 702-645; 702-655; 702-656; 702-658; 702-839; 702-872;
LSVGNVXVDS0DMSLAS VEGAS SOUTH SOUTH702-231; 702-235; 702-260; 702-263; 702-269; 702-270; 702-293; 702-294; 702-298; 702-299; 702-332; 702-361; 702-407; 702-492; 702-614; 702-616; 702-617; 702-634; 702-837; 702-896; 702-897; 702-914;
NLVGNVXFDS1DMSLAS VEGAS NORTH 2702-399; 702-633; 702-639; 702-642; 702-649; 702-657;
PHRMNV12DS0DMSPAHRUMP702-879; 702-723; 702-999; 760-657; (ca) 775-372; 775-537; 775-553; 775-727; 775-751;

890057024942517Hoover Dam Visitor Center, 81 Hoover Dam Access Road, Boulder CityHoover DamVegas Vacation
8910163707023862110Plaza Hotel & Casino, 1 N. Main Street, Las VegasPlaza Hotel & CasinoBack to the Future Part II

Current LRNPhone NumberCurrent Service
77528449997758872000TELEPACIFICallstream.comCARSONCITY Carson City
70290360007022982242TELEPORT COMMatt.comLAUGHLIN Laughlin River Lodge
77523811117752385260PACIFIC BELL-NEVADA BELLatt.comLUND Whipple's Country Store
77556105977759641225BANDWIDTH.COM CLEC LLCbandwidth.comAUSTIN International Café & Bar
70238201987028741405SPRINTcenturylink.comJEAN Goodsprings Justice Court
70254561997753721500Level_3_Comm-VeriSign/1centurylink.comLATHROWLLS Area 51 Alien Center
70263200587024040926SPRINTcenturylink.comLAS VEGAS Creech AFB Dining Facility indian springs
77590941997753535555Level_3_Comm-VeriSign/1centurylink.comRENO Sparks City Hall (City of Sparks)
77590941997759452461Level_3_Comm-VeriSign/1centurylink.comHAWTHORNE Mount Grant General Hospital
70272262227027968639Cox Communicationscox.comLAS VEGAS Cottonwood Creek Apartments
70248909937025292476Neutral Tandeminteliquent.comMTCHARLETN Cooper ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎R‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎o‎‎‎‎‎‎‎a‎‎‎‎‎‎‎d‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎s‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎i‎‎‎‎‎‎‎d‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎e Services searchlight
70248909937028578446Neutral Tandeminteliquent.comLAS VEGAS Beazer Homes Solaris at Indian Springs indian springs
77538409937752411000Neutral Tandeminteliquent.comCARSON PL Carson Plains Casino
77538409937755752222Neutral Tandeminteliquent.comFERNLEY Silverado Casino
77562200007755154110CHARTER FIBER--ILLUMINETspectrum.comCARSONCITY Bulldog Billiards
77562200007756290849CHARTER FIBER--ILLUMINETspectrum.comSTAGECOACH Stagecoach General Improvement
77562200007758336333CHARTER FIBER--ILLUMINETspectrum.comCRYSTALBAY Crystal Bay Casino
77562200007758490120CHARTER FIBER--ILLUMINETspectrum.comRENO Comstock Equine Hospital
77521021117753342262TELEPACIFICtpx.comRENO Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
77573770017755741088UTILITY TELEPHONE, INC. - CAuyt.coNIXON Pyramid Lake Museum and Visitors Center
77573770027755883566UTILITY TELEPHONE, INC. - CAuyt.coSTATELINE Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course
77573770027757732306UTILITY TELEPHONE, INC. - CAuyt.coSCHURZ Walker River Paiute Tribe
70264009677022939208COMCAST PHONExfinity.comLAS VEGAS Boulder City Hall
70264009677027990932COMCAST PHONExfinity.comLAS VEGAS Indian Springs School indian springs
70264009677027990935COMCAST PHONExfinity.comLAS VEGAS Sandy Valley High School
7541000007755772111YMAX COMMUNICATIONSymaxcorp.comSILVER SPG Silver Springs Airport
Current LRNPhone NumberCurrent Service
77554400007756853634CINGULAR WIRELESSatt.comRENO El Grande Salón De Eventos Especiales Banquet Hall
77545600007754821332COMMNET WIRELESS, INC.commnetwireless.comTONOPAH wild creek bnb Dyer
77522491017752357276VERIZON WIRELESS-TSIverizon.comMCGILL McGill Drugstore Museum
77522491017754255867VERIZON WIRELESS-TSIverizon.comRENO Bouncing Around
77527109987759621585VERIZON WIRELESS-TSIverizon.comPIOCHE Million Dollar Courthouse

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