Antikythera mechanism 30 ? ?, GR 87 BC
| Mallock machine 44 ? Cambridge, England, GB 1933
| Z1 49 ? Berlin, DE 1938
| Z3 49 ? Berlin, DE 1941
| Atanasoff–Berry Computer (ABC) 1 ? Ames, IA 1942
Colossus computer 44 ? Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, GB 1943(12)
| Z4 49 ? Göttingen, DE 1945
| IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator 1 ? Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 1944(03/09)
| Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer 1 ? 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 1945
| MAgnetic Drum DIgital Differential Analyzer 1 ? ?, US 1946(03)
Small-Scale Experimental Machine 44 ? Manchester, England, GB 1948(06/21)
| Manchester Automatic Digital Machine 44 ? Manchester, England, GB 1949(04)
| Monte Carlo trolley 1 ? ?, US 1947
| Electronic delay storage automatic calculator (EDSAC) 44 ? Cambridge, England, GB 1949(05/06)
| Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
Model V 1 ? Bell Telephone Labs, US 1946
| Whirlwind I 1 ? MIT, Cambridge, MA 1948
| Monetary National Income Analogue Computer 44 ? London School of Economics, London, England, GB 1949
| Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Automatic Computer 61 ? ?, AU 1949
| Electronic Recording Machine, Accounting 1 ? ?, CA 1950-55
Standards Eastern Automatic Computer 1 ? Gaithersburg, MD 1950(04)
| Pilot ACE (Automatic Computing Engine) 44 ? National Physical Laboratory, Bushy Park, Teddington, London, England, GB 1950(05/10)
| Standards Western Automatic Computer 1 ? Los Angeles, CA 1950(08)
| Bertie the Brain 1CON ? Toronto, ON 1950(08/25)
| Manchester Electronic Computer 1 ? Ballistic Research Laboratory (BRL), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 1951(02)
UNIVersal Automatic Computer I
| Wolverhampton Instrument for Teaching Computing from Harwell (WITCH) 44 ? Harwell, Oxfordshire, England, GB 1951(04)
| ERA 1101 1 ? Saint Paul, MN 1951(12)
| Illinois Automatic Computer 1 ? Urbana/Champaign, IL 1952
| Ordnance Discrete Variable Automatic Computer1 ? Urbana/Champaign, IL
IBM 700/7000 series 1 ? Poughkeepsie, NY 1953(04/07)
| Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving 1C ? Lake Ontario, CA 1953
| UNIVAC 1103 or ERA 1103
| Binär Elektronisk SekvensKalkylator, Swedish for "Binary Electronic Sequence Calculator" 46 ? Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Stockholm, SE 1954(04/01)
| Datatron
TRansistorized Airborne DIgital Computer 1 ? Bell Telephone Labs, US 1954
| Norsk Universell Siffermaskin, Sekvensstyrt, Elektronisk 47 ? University of Oslo, NO 1954
| IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Data-Processing Machine
| IBM Naval Ordnance Research Calculator (NORC) 1 ? Dahlgren, VA 1954(12)
| Harwell CADET 44 ? Harwell, Oxfordshire, England, GB 1955(02)
| Z22 49 ? Aachen, DE 1955
| Transistorized Experimental computer zero 1 ? Lexington, MA 1955
| Weizmann Automatic Computer 972 ? Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IL 1955
FUJIC 81 ? Odawara, Kanagawa, JP 1956(03)
| Bendix G-15 1 ? Los Angeles, CA 1956
| RCA BIZMAC 1 ? Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command(OTAC), Detroit, MI 1956
| Ferranti Package Computer 44 ? ?, England, GB 1956
| Librascope General Purpose and then Librascope General Precision 1 ? Glendale, CA 1956
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator 91 ? Mumbai, IN 1956
| IBM 305 Random Access Method of Accounting and Control
| Dansk Aritmetisk Sekvens Kalkulator or Danish Arithmetic Sequence Calculator 45 ? ?, DK 1957(09)
| Binär dezimaler Volltransistor-Rechenautomat (binary-decimal fully transistorized computing automaton) 43 ? Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, AT 1958(05)
S-2000 "TRANSAC" (Transistor Automatic Computer)
| TX-2 1 ? Lexington, MA 1958
| UNIVAC 1105
| Programmed Data Processor-1
IBM 1400 series 1 ? ?, US 1959(10/05)
| IBM 1620 1 ? ?, US 1959(10/21)
| IBM 7090 1 ? ?, US 1959(11)
| Semi-Automatic Ground Environment ? late 1950s
| Odra 48 ? Wroclaw, PL 1959-60
Coming soon: Computers built 1960 and later.