(an place page of
(alternative access at
São Tomé and Príncipe

near National Assembly, São Tomé

7 districts

239 ? ? Água Grande(1), ST
pop. 77,700 - ST-S
239 ? ? Cantagalo(2), ST
pop. 19,400 - ST-S
239 ? ? Caué(3), ST
pop. 7,200 - ST-S
239 ? ? Lembá(4), ST
pop. 16,300 - ST-S
239 ? ? Lobata(5), ST
pop. 22,000 - ST-S
239 ? ? Mé-Zóchi(6), ST
pop. 50,800 - ST-S
239 ? ? Autonomous Region of
Príncipe (Pagué)(7), ST

pop. 8,420 - ST-P

Capital, Largest Cities, and Ports
239 ? ? São Tomé*+, ST
pop. 57,000
239 ? ? Santo António+, ST

Telephone numbers in São Tomé and Príncipe
Correios de São Tomé e Príncipe


If you have any questions about this web site,
please contact our webmaster: Edward M. Stadick