(a people page of
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Also includes Economists, Educators, and Historians
count = 353
Bede the Venerable
44 ? Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, GB
0673 - 0735(05/26)
Marco Polo
39 30010 41 Venice, VE, IT
1254(09/15) - 1324(01/09)
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
39 50121 55 Florence, FI, IT
1469(05/03) - 1527(06/21)
Francesco Guicciardini
39 50121 55 Florence, FI, IT
1483(03/06) - 1540(05/22)
Francis Bacon
44 ? York House Strand, London, England, GB
1561(01/22) - 1626(04/09)
Thomas Hobbes
44 ? Westport, Wiltshire, England, GB
1588(04/05) - 1679(12/04)
Izaak Walton
44 ? Stafford, England, GB
1593(08/09) - 1683(12/15)
John Locke
44 ? Wrington, Somerset, England, GB
1632(08/29) - 1704(10/28)
Giovanni Battista Vico
39 80100 81 Naples, NA, IT
1668(06/23) - 1744(01/23)
Charles-Louis Montesquieu
33 ? Bordeaux, FR
1689(01/18) - 1755(02/10)
François Quesnay
33 ? Merey, Eure, FR
1694(06/04) - 1774(12/16)
François-Marie Arouet
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1694(11/21) - 1778(05/20)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
41 1200 22 Geneva, GE, CH
1712(06/28) - 1778(07/02)
Adam Smith
44 ? Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, GB
1723(06/05) - 1790(07/17)
Ezra Stiles
1 06473 North Haven, CT
1727(11/29) - 1795(05/12)
Edmund Burke
353 ? Dublin, IE
1729(01/12) - 1797(07/09)
Thomas Paine
44 ? Norfolk, England, GB
1737(01/29) - 1809(06/08)
Edward Gibbon
44 ? Putney, Surrey, England, GB
1737(04/27) - 1794(01/16)
Jean Baptiste Point du Sable
509 ? Saint-Marc, HT
1745 - 1818(08/28)
Thomas Robert Malthus
44 ? Surrey, England, GB
1766(02/13) - 1834(12/23)
Robert Owen
44 ? Newtown, Montgomeryshire, Wales, GB
1771(05/14) - 1858(11/17)
François Marie Charles Fourier
33 ? Besançon, FR
1772(04/07) - 1837(10/10)
David Ricardo
44 ? London, England, GB
1772(04/18) - 1823(09/11)
James Milne
44S ? Northwater Bridge, Logie-Pert, Angus, Scotland, GB
1773(04/06) - 1836(06/23)
Jared Sparks
1 06279 Willington, CT
1789(05/10) - 1866(03/14)
Thomas Carlyle
44S ? Ecclefechan, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, GB
1795(12/04) - 1881(02/05)
George Washington Gale
1 126? 845? Stanford, Dutchess County, NY
1789(12/13) - 1861(09/13)
William Hickling Prescott
1 01970? 978? Salem(SALM), Essex County, MA
1796(05/04) - 1859(01/29)
Horace Mann
1 02038 Franklin, MA
1796(05/04) - 1859(08/02)
William Holmes McGuffey
1 15323 ? Claysville, PA
1800(09/23) - 1873(05/04)
George Bancroft
1 01613? 508? Worcester(WRCS), MA
1800(10/03) - 1891(01/17)
Thomas Babington Macauley
44 ? Leicestershire, England, GB
1800(10/25) - 1859(12/28)
Giuseppe Mazzini
39 ? Genoa, IT
1805(06/22) - 1872(03/10)
Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville
33 ? Verneuil-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, FR
1805(07/29) - 1859(04/16)
John Stuart Mill
44 Pentonville, London, England, GB
1806(05/20) - 1873(05/08)
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
33 ? ? Besançon, FR
1809(01/15) - 1865(01/19)
Louis Jean Joseph Charles Blanc
34 ? Madrid, ES
1811(10/29) - 1882(12/06)
Henry Barnard
1 06101? Hartford, CT
1811(01/24) - 1900(07/05)
Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen
49 ? Garding, Schleswig, DE
1817(11/30) - 1903(11/01)
Karl Heinrich Marx
49 ? Trier, DE
1818(05/05) - 1883(03/14)
Friedrich Engels
49 ? Barmen, Wuppertal, North Rhine-Westphalia, DE
1820(11/28) - 1895(08/05)
Francis Parkman
1 02205? Boston, MA
1823(09/16) - 1893(11/08)
Hippolyte Adolphe Taine
33 ? Vouziers, Ardennes, FR
1828(04/21) - 1893(03/05)
Charles William Eliot
1 02205? Boston, MA
1834(03/20) - 1926(08/22)
Heinrich Gothard von Treitschke
49 ? Dresden, DE
1834(09/15) - 1896(04/28)
Henry Brooks Adams
1 02205? Boston, MA
1838(02/16) - 1918(03/27)
George Otto Trevelyan
44 ? Rothley Temple, Leicestershire, GB
1838(07/20) - 1928(08/17)
Henry George
1 19104? Philadelphia, PA
1839(09/02) - 1897(10/29)
William Graham Sumner
1 07510? Paterson, NJ
1840(10/30) - 1910(04/12)
William James
1 10001? New York, NY
1842(01/11) - 1910(08/26)
John Fiske
1 06101? Hartford, CT
1842(03/30) - 1901(07/04)
George Herbert Palmer
1 02205? Boston, MA
1842 - 1933(05/09)
Peter Chardon Brooks Adams
1 ? Quincy, MA
1848(06/24) - 1927(02/13)
Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1848(07/15) - 1923(08/19)
James Laurence Laughlin
1 44411 Deerfield, OH
1850(04/02) - 1933(11/28)
Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey
1 13606 Adams Center, Jefferson County, NY
1851(12/10) - 1931(12/26)
James George Frazer
55 ? Glasgow, Scotland, GB
1854(01/01) - 1941(05/07)
Booker Taliaferro Washington
1 24151 Hale's Ford, VA
1856(04/05) - 1915(11/14)
Edward Perkins Channing
1 02121? 617? Dorchester(DRCH), Boston, Suffolk County, MA
1856(06/15) - 1931(01/07)
Abbott Lawrence Lowell
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
1856(12/13) - 1943(01/06)
Lucien Lévy-Brühl
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1857(04/19) - 1939(03/13)
Thorstein Bunde Veblen
1 54230 ? Cato, WI
1857(07/30) - 1929(08/03)
Ferdinand de Saussure
41 1200 22 Geneva, GE, CH
1857(11/26) - 1913(02/22)
Georg Simmel
49 1 30 Berlin, BE, DE
1858(03/01) - 1890 - 1918(09/26)
Émile Durkheim
33 ? Épinal, Lorraine, FR
1858(04/15) - 1917(11/15)
Franz Boas
49 32423 571 Minden, NW, DE
1858(07/09) - 1942(12/21)
Sidney James Webb
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1859(07/13) - 1947(10/13)
John Dewey
1 05401? Burlington, VT
1859(10/20) - 1952(06/01)
Frank William Taussig
1 63166? 314? Saint Louis(STLS), MO
1859(12/28) - 1940(11/11)
Frederick Jackson Turner
1 53901 ? Portage, WI
1861(11/14) - 1932(03/14)
Nicholas Murray Butler
1 07207? Elizabeth, NJ
1862(04/02) - 1947(12/07)
John Rogers Commons
1 45332 ? Hollansburg, OH
1862(10/13) – 1945(05/11)
George Herbert Mead
1 01075 ? South Hadley, MA
1863(02/27) - 1931(04/26)
James Harvey Robinson
1 61701? Bloomington, IL
1863(06/29) - 1936(02/16)
Maximilian Carl Emil Weber(CT-X)
49 ? Erfurt, Thuringia, DE
1864(04/21) - 1920(06/14)
Benedetto Croce
39 ? Pescasseroli, Abruzzi, IT
1866(02/25) - 1952(11/20)
Francis Everett Townsend
1 61739 815365,567,635,86,8,92,934,49,98
Fairbury(FRBR), Livingston County, IL
1867(01/13) - 1960(09/01)
Irving Fisher
1 12477 Saugerties, NY
1867(02/27) - 1947(04/29)
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois(CT-X)
1 01230 Great Barrington, MA
1868(02/23) - 1963(08/27)
Alexander Meiklejohn
44 ? Rochdale, Lancashire, England, GB
1872(02/01) - 1964(12/17)
Charles Austin Beard
1 46148 Knightstown, IN
1874(11/27) - 1948(09/01)
Albert Schweitzer
33 ? Kaysersberg, Haut-Rhin, FR
1875(01/14) - 1965(09/05)
Giovanni Gentile
39 ? Castelvetrano, IT
1875(05/30) - 1944(04/15)
Carter G. Woodson
1 23123 New Canton, VA
1875(12/19) - 1950(04/03)
Alfred Louis Kroeber
1 07030 Hoboken, NJ
1876(06/11) - 1960(10/05)
Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht
45 ? Tinglev, DK
1877(01/22) - 1970(06/03)
Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler
49 ? Blankenburg am Harz, DE
1880(05/29) - 1936(05/08)
Joseph Alois Schumpeter
42 ? Trešt, CS
1883(02/08) - 1950(01/08)
José Ortega y Gasset
34 28001 911 Madrid, MD, ES
1883(05/09) - 1955(10/18)
John Maynard Keynes
44 CB 1223 Cambridge, England, GB
1883(06/05) - 1946(04/21)
Edward Sapir
48 ? Lebork, PL
1884(01/26) - 1939(02/04)
Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski
48 30024 12 Kraków, PL
1884(04/07) - 1942(05/16)
William James Durant
1 01247 North Adams, MA
1885(11/05) - 1981(11/07)
Van Wyck Brooks
1 07061? Plainfield, NJ
1886(02/16) - 1963(05/02)
Samuel Eliot Morison
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
1887(07/09) - 1976(05/15)
Arnold Joseph Toynbee
44 ? London, GB
1889(04/14) - 1975(10/22)
Allan Nevins
1 ? Camp Point, IL
1890(05/20) - 1971(03/05)
James Bryant Conant
1 02121? Dorchester, MA
1893(03/26) - 1978(02/11)
Károly Manheim
36 1011 1 Budapest, BU, HU
1893(03/27) - 1947(01/09)
Walter Francis White
1 30301? 404? Atlanta(ATLN), DeKalb County, Fulton County, GA
1893(07/01) - 1955(03/21)
Alfred Charles Kinsey
1 07030 Hoboken, NJ
1894(06/23) - 1956(08/25)
Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch(NPE1969)
47 0001 2 Oslo, NO
1895(03/03) – 1973(01/31)
Benjamin Elijah Mays
1 29666 864? Ninety Six, Greenwood County, SC
1895(08/01) - 1984(03/28)
Charles Hamilton Houston
1 20090? 202? Washington(WASH), DC
1895(09/03) - 1950(05/22)
Lewis Mumford
1 11101? 718? Flushing, Queens(NYCQ), NY
1895(10/19) - 1990(01/26)
Bernard Augustine DeVoto
1 84401? 801? Ogden(OGDN), Weber County, UT
1897(01/11) - 1955(11/13)
Karl Gunnar Myrdal(NPE1974)
46 794 95 Skattungbyn, SE
1898(12/06) - 1987(05/17)
Robert Maynard Hutchins
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY
1899(01/17) - 1977(05/17)
Bertil Gotthard Ohlin(NPE1977)
46 26431 ? Klippan, SE
23 April 1899 – 3 August 1979
Friedrich August von Hayek(NPE1974)
43 1000 1 Vienna, AT
8 May 1899 – 23 March 1992
Noel Joseph Terence Montgomery Needham
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1900(12/09) - 1995(03/24)
Simon Smith Kuznets(NPE1971)
375 225700 165 Pinsk, BR, BY
1901(04/30) – 1985(07/08)
Roy Wilkins
1 63166? 314? Saint Louis(STLS), MO
1901(08/30) - 1981(09/09)
Theodore William Schultz(NPE1979)
1 57212 605? Arlington, Brookings County,
Kingsbury County, SD
1902(04/30) – 1998(02/26)
Henry Steele Commager
1 15233? 412? Pittsburgh(PITB), Allegheny County, PA
1902(10/25) - 1998(03/02)
Jan Tinbergen(NPE1969)
31 2490 70 The Hague, ZH, NL
1903(04/12) – 1994(06/09)
George Frost Kennan
1 53201? 414? Milwaukee(MILW), WI
1904(02/16) - 2005(03/17)
Joseph John Campbell
1 10602? 914? White Plains(WHPL), Westchester County, NY
1904(03/26) - 1987(10/30)
John Richard Hicks(NPE1972)
44 CV34 1926 Warwick, England, GB
1904(04/08) – 1989(05/20)
Perry G. Miller
1 60607? 312?,773? Chicago(CHCG), Cook County, IL
1905(02/25) - 1963
Montague Francis Ashley Montagu
44 ? 20 East End, London, England, GB
1905(06/28) - 1999(11/26)
Wassily Wassilyevich Leontief(NPE1973)
49 80331? 089 Munich, BY, DE
1905(08/05) – 1999(02/05)
Alan John Percivale Taylor
44 PR8 1704 Birkdale, England, GB
1906(03/25) - 1989(09/07)
Nikolaas Tinbergen
31 2490 70 The Hague, ZH, NL
1907(04/15) - 1988(12/21)
James Edward Meade(NPE1977)
44 BH19 1929 Swanage, England, GB
1907(06/23) – 1995(12/22)
John Kenneth Galbraith
1C N0L1P0 519? Iona Station, Elgin County, ON
1908(10/15) - 2006(04/29)
Comer Vann Woodward
1 72387 870? Vanndale, Cross County, AR
1908(11/13) - 1999(12/17)
Isaiah Berlin
371 1000 6 Riga, LV
1909(06/06) - 1997(11/05)
Meyer Robert Schkolnick
1 19104? 215? Philadelphia(PHLA), PA
1910(07/04) – 2003(02/25)
Tjalling Charles Koopmans(NPE1975)
31 1243 35 's-Graveland, NH, NL
1910(08/28) – 1985(02/26)
Ronald Harry Coase(NPE1991)
44 NW10 20 Willesden, London, England, GB
1910(12/29) – 2013(09/02)
John Gibbs St. Clair Drake
1 23434? 757? Suffolk(SFFL), Suffolk City County, VA
1911(01/02) - 1990(06/15)
George Joseph Stigler(NPE1982)
1 98101? 206? Seattle(STTL), King County, WA
1911(01/17) – 1991(12/01)
Maurice Félix Charles Allais(NPE1988)
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1911(05/31) – 2010(10/09)
Trygve Magnus Haavelmo(NPE1989)
47 2000 ? Skedsmo, NO
1911(12/13) – 1999(07/28)
Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich(NPE1975)
7 190? 812 Saint Petersburg, SPE, RU
1912(01/19) – 1986(04/07)
Milton Friedman(NPE1976)
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY
1912(07/31) - 2006(11/16)
John Richard Nicholas Stone(NPE1984)
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1913(08/30) – 1991(12/06)
William Spencer Vickrey(NPE1996)
1C V8N? 250? Victoria(VCTA), BC
1914(06/21) – 1996(10/11)
William Arthur Lewis(NPE1979)
1L ? 758? Castries, LC
1915(01/23) – 1991(06/15)
Paul Anthony Samuelson(NPE1970)
1 46401? 219? Gary(GARY), Lake County, IN
1915(05/15) – 2009(12/13)
Herbert Alexander Simon(NPE1978)
1 53201? 414? Milwaukee(MILW), WI
1916(06/15) – 2001(02/09)
Richard Hofstadter
1 14240? 716? Buffalo(BFLO), Erie County, NY
1916(08/06) - 1970(10/24)
Leonid Hurwicz(NPE2007)
7 101000 495 Moscow, MOW, RU
1917(08/21) – 2008(06/24)
James Tobin(NPE1981)
1 61821? 217? Champaign(CHMP), IL
1918(03/05) – 2002(03/11)
Franco Modigliani(NPE1985)
39 00100 6 Rome, RM, IT
18 June 1918 – 25 September 2003
Russell Kirk
1 48170 734? Plymouth(PLMO), Wayne County, MI
1918(10/19) - 1994(04/29)
James McGill Buchanan(NPE1986)
1 37130? 615? Murfreesboro(MRBO), Rutherford County, TN
1919(10/03) – 2013(01/09)
John Charles Harsanyi(NPE1994)
36 1011 1 Budapest, BU, HU
1920(05/29) – 2000(08/09)
Lawrence Robert Klein(NPE1980)
1 69005? 402? Omaha(OMAH), Douglas County, NE
1920(09/14) – 2013(10/20)
Douglass Cecil North(NPE1993)
1 02139? 617? Cambridge(CMBR), Middlesex County, MA
1920(11/05) – 2015(11/23)
Thomas Crombie Schelling(NPE2005)
1 94617? 510? Oakland(OKLD), Alameda County, CA
1921(04/14) – 2016(12/13)
Gérard Debreu(NPE1983)
33 62193 ? Calais, Pas-de-Calais(FRE12), HDF, FR
1921(07/04) – 2004(12/31)
Kenneth Joseph Arrow(NPE1972)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1921(08/23) – 2017(02/21)
Thomas Samuel Kuhn(CT-X)
1 45202? 513? Cincinnati(CNCN), Hamilton County, OH
1922(07/18) - 1996(06/17)
John Caldwell Holt
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1923(04/14) - 1985(09/14)
Merton Howard Miller(NPE1990)
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
1923(05/16) – 2000(06/03)
Lloyd Stowell Shapley(NPE2012)
1 02139? 617? Cambridge(CMBR), Middlesex County, MA
1923(06/02) - 2016(03/12)
Robert Merton Solow(NPE1987)
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY
1924(08/23) – 2023(12/21)
Robert William Fogel(NPE1993)

1926(07/01) – 2013(06/11)
Vernon Lomax Smith(NPE2002)
1 67202? 316? Wichita(WCHT), Sedgwick County, KS
John Forbes Nash(NPE1994)
1 24701 304? Bluefield(BLFD), Mercer County, WV
1928(06/13) – 2015(05/23)
Robert John Aumann(NPE2005)
49 60306? 069 Frankfurt, HE, DE
Reinhard Justus Reginald Selten(NPE1994)
48 50041 71 Wrocław, PL
1930(10/05) – 2016(08/23)
Gary Stanley Becker(NPE1992)
1 17901 570232,77,366,85,429,62,
544,621,2,4,8,41,773,874 Pottsville(PTTV), Schuylkill County, PA
1930(12/02) – 2014(05/03)
Robert Alexander Mundell(NPE1999)
1C K7K 613? Kingston, ON
1931(10/24) – 2021(04/04)
Christopher Lasch
1 69005? 402? Omaha(OMAH), Douglas County, NE
1932(06/01) - 1994(02/14)
Oliver Eaton Williamson(NPE2009)
1 54880 715392,4,5,8,9 Superior(SPRR), Douglas County, WI
1932(09/27) – 2020(05/21)
Edmund Strother Phelps(NPE2006)
1 60201? 847? Evanston(EVTN), Cook County, IL
Amartya Kumar Sen(NPE1998)
91 731 3463 Shantiniketan, WB, IN
Daniel Kahneman(NPE2002)
972 ? ? Tel Aviv, TA, IL
William Forsyth Sharpe(NPE1990)
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
Clive William John Granger(NPE2003)
44W SA 1792 Swansea, Wales, GB
1934(09/04) – 2009(05/27)
James Alexander Mirrlees(NPE1996)
44S DG8 1671 Minnigaff, Scotland, GB
1936(07/05) – 2018(08/29)
Daniel Little McFadden(NPE2000)
1 27611? 919? Raleigh(RLGH), Wake County, NC
Robert Emerson Lucas(NPE1995)
1 98903? 509? Yakima(YAKM), WA
1937(09/15) –2023(05/15)
Dale Thomas Mortensen(NPE2010)
1 97828 541? Enterprise, Wallowa County, OR
1939(02/02) – 2014(01/09)
Eugene Francis Fama(NPE2013)
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
Peter Arthur Diamond(NPE2010)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
George Arthur Akerlof(NPE2001)
1 06511? 203? New Haven(NWHN), CT
Edward Christian Prescott(NPE2004)
1 12801? 518? Glens Falls(GLFL), Warren County, NY
1940(12/26) – 2022(11/06)
William Dawbney Nordhaus(NPE2018)
1 87101? 505? Albuquerque(ALBQ), Bernalillo County, NM
Myron Samuel Scholes(NPE1997)
1C P4N? 705? Timmins(TMNS), ON
Christopher Albert Sims(NPE2011)
1 20090? 202? Washington(WASH), DC
Robert Fry Engle(NPE2003)
1 13220? 315? Syracuse(SYRC), Onondaga County, NY
Joseph Eugene Stiglitz(NPE2001)
1 46401? 219? Gary(GARY), Lake County, IN
Thomas John Sargent(NPE2011)
1 91109? 626? Pasadena(PSDN), Los Angeles County, CA
Andrew Michael Spence(NPE2001)
1 07042? 973? Montclair(MTCL), Essex County, NJ
Finn Erling Kydland(NPE2004)
47 4330 Ålgård, NO
James Joseph Heckman(NPE2000)
1 60607? 312?,773? Chicago(CHCG), Cook County, IL
Robert Cox Merton(NPE1997)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
Richard H. Thaler(NPE2017)
1 07019? 973? East Orange(EORN), Essex County, NJ
Angus Stewart Deaton(NPE2015)
44S EH 131 Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
Robert James Shiller(NPE2013)
1 48231? 313? Detroit(DTRT), Wayne County, MI
Christopher Antoniou Pissarides(NPE2010)
357 1010 22 Nicosia, CY
Paul Robert Milgrom(NPE2020)
1 48231? 313? Detroit(DTRT), Wayne County, MI
Oliver Simon D'Arcy Hart(NPE2016)
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
Bengt Robert Holmström(NPE2016)
358 00100 9 Helsinki, FI
Eric Stark Maskin(NPE2007)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
Roger Bruce Myerson(NPE2007)
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
Alvin Eliot Roth(NPE2012)
1 11101? 718? Queens(NYCQ), NY
Lars Peter Hansen(NPE2013)
1 61801? 217 Urbana, Champaign County, IL
Paul Robin Krugman(NPE2008)
1 12201? 518? Albany(ALBY), NY
Jean Tirole(NPE2014)
33 10387 10 Aube(FRF22), GES, FR
Douglas Warren Diamond(NPE2022)
1 60607? 312?,773? Hyde Park, Chicago(CHCG), Cook County, IL
Ben Shalom Bernanke(NPE2022)
1 30903? 706? Augusta(AGST), Richmond County, GA
Philip Hallen Dybvig(NPE2022)
1 ? ? ?, IN
Paul Michael Romer(NPE2018)
1 80202? 303? Denver(DNVR), CO
David Edward Card(NPE2021)
1C N1C? 519763,6,7,
80,1,2,3,4,6,7,9,36,7,853,6 Guelph(GLPH), ON
James Alan Robinson(NPE2024)
44 ? ?, ?, England, GB
Joshua David Angrist(NPE2021)
1 43216? 614? Columbus(CLMB),
Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin County, OH
Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee(NPE2019)
91 400 22 Mumbai, MH, IN
Simon H. Johnson(NPE2024)
44 S 114 Sheffield, England, GB
Guido Wilhelmus Imbens(NPE2021)
31 5660 40 Geldrop, NB, NL
Michael Robert Kremer(NPE2019)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
Kamer Daron Acemoğlu(NPE2024)
90 34000 ? Istanbul, TR
Leonard Bloomfield1 60607? 312?,773? Chicago(CHCG), Cook County, IL1887(04/01) - 1949(04/18)
Walter Prescott Webb1 75633 903? Carthage, Panola County, TX1888(04/03) - 1963(03/08)
David Riesman1 19104? 215? Philadelphia(PHLA), PA1909(09/22) - 2002(05/10)
Jack Barbash1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY1910 - 1994
Lee Salk? ? ?, ?1926(12/22) - 1992(05/02)
Harry Max Markowitz(NPE1990)1 60607? 312?,773? Chicago(CHCG), Cook County, IL1927(08/24) - 2023(06/22)
Robert Butler Wilson(NPE2020)1 68361 402? Geneva, Fillmore County, NE1937(05/16)
George Mish Marsden(CT-X)1 17105? 717? Harrisburg(HRBG), Dauphin County, PA1939(02/25)
Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1774(08/28) - 1821(01/04)
Emma C. Hart Willard
1 06023? 860? Berlin, Hartford County, CT
1787(02/23) - 1870(04/15)
Harriet Martineau
44 NR 1603 Norwich, England, GB
1802(06/12) - 1876(06/27)
Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
1 01821? 978? Billerica(BLRC), Middlesex County, MA
1804(05/16) - 1894(01/03)
Alice Elvira Freeman Palmer
1 13787 607? Colesville, Broome County, NY
1855(02/21) - 1902(12/06)
Martha Carey Thomas
1 21203? 410? Baltimore(BLTM), MD
1857(01/02) - 1935(12/02)
Martha Beatrice Potter Webb
44 GL 1452 Gloucester, England, GB
1858(01/22) - 1943(04/30)
Johanna Mansfield Sullivan Sullivan
1 01030 413786,789,821 Feeding Hills, Agawam(AGWM), Hampden County, MA
1866(04/14) - 1936(10/20)
Maria Montessori
39 60033 71 Chiaravelle, AN, IT
1870(08/31) - 1952(05/06)
Mary Jane McLeod Bethune
1 29104 803? Mayesville, Sumter County, SC
1875(07/10) - 1955(05/18)
Mary Ritter Beard
1 46206? 317? Indianapolis(IPLS), Marion County, IN
1876(08/05) - 1958(08/14)
Ruth Fulton Benedict
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1887(06/05) - 1948(09/17)
Ariel Durant
380 29000 382 Khmelnytskyi, UA
1898(05/10) - 1981(10/25)
Margaret Mead
1 19104? 215? Philadelphia(PHLA), PA
1901(12/16) - 1978(11/15)
Joan Violet Maurice Robinson
44 ? ? Surrey County, England, GB
1903(10/31) – 1983(08/05)
Barbara Wertheim Tuchman(CT-X)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1912(01/30) - 1989(02/06)
Anna Jacobson Schwartz
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1915(11/11) – 2012(06/21)
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
41 8000 43 Zürich, ZH, CH
1926(07/08) - 2004(08/24)
Elinor Claire Awan Ostrom
1 90086? 213? Los Angeles(LSAN), CA
1933(08/07) – 2012(06/12)
Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
1 48106? 734? Ann Arbor(ANAR), Washtenaw County, MI
Nancy Birdsall
1 ? ? ?, US
Claudia Goldin(NPE2023)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
Janet Louise Yellen
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY
Olivia S. Mitchell
1 ? ? ?, US
Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova
359 1000 2 Sofia, BG
Jayati Ghosh
91 ? ? ?, IN
Carmen M. Castellanos Reinhart
53 1? 07 Havana, CU
Eilat Mazar
972 ? ? ?, IL
1956(09/10) – 2021(05/25)
Ruth Mazo Karras
1 ? ? ?, US
Anne Catherine Case
1 ? ? ?, US
Christina Duckworth Romer
1 62002 618? Alton(ALTN), Madison County, IL
Kathryn Mary Elizabeth Dominguez
1 90086? 213? Los Angeles(LSAN), CA
Asli Demirgüç-Kunt
90 ? ? ?, TR
Rachel Susan Griffith
44 ? ? ?, England, GB
Beatrice Weder di Mauro
41 4000 61 Basel, BS, CH
Rachel Glennerster
44 ? ? ?, England, GB
Gillian Tett
44 ? ? ?, England, GB
Mariana Francesca Mazzucato
39 00100 6 Rome, RM, IT
Dambisa Felicia Moyo
260 ? ? Lusaka, ZM
Stephanie A Bell Kelton
1 ? ? ?, US
Susan Carleton Athey
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
Kate Raworth
44 ? ? ?, England, GB
Isabel Gödde Schnabel
49 44001? 231 Dortmund, NW, DE
Gita Gopinath
91 700 33 Kolkata, WB, IN
Esther Duflo(NPE2019)
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
Zeynep Tufekci
90 34216 ?, Istanbul, TR
Emi Nakamura
1C ? ? ?, CA
Julia Cagé
33 57463 ? Metz, Moselle(FRF33), GES, FR 57000
Elizabeth Asiedu
233 ? ? ?, GH

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