(a people page of
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Jean-Martin Charcot
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1825(11/29) - 1893(08/16)
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
49 68001? 0621 Neckarau, Mannheim, BW, DE
1832(08/16) - 1920(08/31)
William James
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1842(01/11) - 1910(08/26)
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
7 390000 4912 Ryazan, RYA, RU
1849(09/26) - 1936(02/27)
Sigmund Freud
420 74258 ? Příbor, MO, CZ
1856(05/06) - 1939(09/23)
Alfred Adler
43 1000 1 Rudolfsheim, Vienna, AT
1870(02/07) - 1937(05/28)
Carl Gustav Jung
41 8593 ? Kesswil, TG, CH
1875(07/26) - 1961(06/06)
John Broadus Watson
1 29690 864? Travelers Rest, Greenwood County, SC
1878(01/09) - 1958(09/25)
Otto Rank
43 1000 1 Vienna, AT
1884(04/22) - 1939(10/31)
Henry Alexander Murray
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1893(05/13) - 1988(06/23)
Jean Piaget
41 2000 32 Neuchâtel, NE, CH
1896(08/09) - 1980(09/17)
Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
375 211030 216 Orsha, VI, BY
1896(11/05) - 1934(06/11)
Gordon Willard Allport
1 47862 765? Montezuma, Parke County, IN
1897(11/11) - 1967(10/09)
Erich Fromm
49 60306? 069 Frankfurt, HE, DE
1900(03/23) - 1980(03/18)
Carl Ransom Rogers
1 60303? 708? Oak Park(OKPK), Cook County, IL
1902(01/08) - 1987(02/04)
Erik Salomonsen
49 60306? 069 Frankfurt, HE, DE
1902(06/15) - 1994(05/12)
Konrad Zacharias Lorenz
43 1000 1 Vienna, AT
1903(11/07) - 1989(02/27)
Raymond Bernard Cattell
44 B 121 Hill Top, Birmingham, England, GB
1905(03/20) - 1998(02/02)
George Alexander Kelly
1 67152 620? Perth, Sumner County, KS
1905(04/28) - 1967(03/06)
Solomon Eliot Asch
48 00001 22 Warsaw, PL
1907(09/14) - 1996(02/20)
Abraham Harold Maslow
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY
1908(04/01) - 1970(06/08)
Roger Wolcott Sperry
1 06101? 860? Hartford(HRFR), CT
1913(08/20) - 1994(04/17)
Hans Jurgen Eysenck
49 1 30 Berlin, BE, DE
1916(03/04) - 1997(09/04)
Burrhus Frederic Skinner
1 18847 570? Susquehanna Depot, PA
1904(03/20) - 1990(08/18)
Leon Festinger
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY
1919(05/08) - 1989(02/11)
Thomas Stephen Szasz
36 1011 1 Budapest, BU, HU
1920(04/15) - 2012(09/08)
Albert Bandura
1C T0B 780? Mundare, AB
1925(12/04) - 2021(07/26)
Ronald David Laing
44S G 141 Govanhill, Glasgow, Scotland, GB
1927(10/07) - 1989(08/23)
Amos Nathan Tversky
972 ? ? Haifa, HA, IL
1937(03/16) - 1996(06/02)
1 13815 607? Norwich(NRWC), Chenango County, NY"1892(02/21) - 1949(01/14)"Henry Stack Sullivan
90 35760 232 Ödemiş, İzmir, TR"1906(07/29) - 1988"Muzafer Şerif Başoğlu
44 ? 20 London, England, GB"1910(05/01) - 2003(12/18)"Judd Marmor
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY"1916(10/22) - 2014(01/06)"Julian B. Rotter
1 14240? 716? Buffalo(BFLO), Erie County, NY"1918(05/26) - 1990(11/15)"Irving L. Janis
43 1000 1 Vienna, AT"1930(02/22) - 2018(09/12)"Walter Mischel
Christine Ladd-Franklin
1 06295? 860? Windsor(WNDS), Hartford County, CT
1847(12/01) - 1930(03/05)
Mary Whiton Calkins
1 06101? 860? Hartford(HRFR), CT
1863(03/30) - 1930(02/26)
Margaret Washburn
1 10001? 212? Harlem, Manhattan(NYCM), NY
1871(07/25) - 1939(10/29)
Karen Danielsen Horney
49 22587 40 Blankenese, HH, DE
1885(09/16) - 1952
Anna Freud
43 1000 1 Vienna, AT
1895(12/03) - 1982(10/09)
1 ? ? ?, US"1897(10/06) - 1967(03/14)"Christiana Drummond Councilman


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