(a people page of
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Johann Gerhard Oncken
49 26316 4451 Varel, NI, DE
1800(01/26) - 1884(01/02)
Orange Scott
1 05036 802 Brookfield, Orange County, VT
1800(02/13) – 1847(07/31)
John Nelson Darby
44 SW 20 Westminster, London, England, GB
1800(11/18) – 1882(04/29)
Hyrum Smith(MORMON)
1 05077 802 Tunbridge, Orange County, VT
1800(02/09) - 1844(06/27)
John Henry Newman
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1801(02/21) - 1890(08/11)
Brigham Young
1 05361 802 Whitingham, Windham County, VT
1801(06/01) - 1877(08/29)
William Swan Plumer
1 16115 724? Greersburg, Darlington, Beaver County, PA
1802(07/26) – 1880(10/22)
1 11937 631267,324,329,907 East Hampton(EHTN), Suffolk County, NY
1803(08/27) - 1895(07/28)
Samuel Dyer
44 SE10 20 Greenwich, London, GB
1804(02/20) – 1843(10/24)
David Whitmer(MORMON)
1 17105? 717? Harrisburg(HRBG), Dauphin County, PA
1805(01/07) - 1888(01/25)
Orson Hyde(MORMON)
1 06478 203? Oxford, New Haven County, CT
1805(01/08) - 1878(11/28)
Johann Georg Ferdinand Müller
49 39397 3964 Kroppenstedt, ST, DE
1805(09/27) – 1898(03/10)
Lobzang Tenpai Wangchuk Lungtok Gyatso(BUDDHIST)
86 67? ? Gathar, YN?, CN
1805(12/01) - 1815(03/06)
Joseph Smith(MORMON)
1 05065 802 Sharon, Windsor County, VT
1805(12/23) - 1844(06/27)
William Earl McLellin(FORMER MORMON)
1 37030? 615? ?, Smith County, TN
1806(01/18) - 1883(04/24)
Oliver H. P. Cowdery(MORMON)
1 05774 802 Wells, Rutland County, VT
1806(10/03) - 1950(03/03)
Wilford Woodruff(MORMON)
1 06032? 860? Farmington(FRTN), Hartford County, CT
1807(03/01) - 1898(09/02)
James Bannerman
44S PH 1738 Perthshire, Scotland, GB
1807(04/09) – 1868(03/27)
1 02139? 617? Cambridge(CMBR), Middlesex County, MA
1807 – 1887
Henry Augustus Boardman(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 12180? 518? Troy(TROY), Rensselaer County, NY
1808(01/09) - 1880(06/15)
Georg Ludwig Detlef Theodor Harms
49 29664 5161 Walsrode, NI, DE
1808(05/05) - 1865(11/14)
John Taylor(MORMON)
44 LA7 15395 Milnthorpe, England, GB
1808(11/01) - 1887(07/25)
Jeremiah Calvin Lanphier
1 12051 518731 Coxsackie(CXSC), Greene County, NY
1809(09/03) – 1898(12/26)
Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci(CATHOLIC)
39 00032 6 Carpineto Romano, RM, IT
1810(03/02) - 1903(07/20)
Andrew Alexander Bonar
44S EH 131 Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
1810(05/29) – 1892(12/30)
Jonathan Blanchard
1 05101 802 Rockingham, Windham County, VT
1811(01/19) - 1892(05/14)
Archibald Campbell Tait(ANGLICAN)
44S EH 131 Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
1811(12/21) - 1882(12/03)
Thomas March Clark(EPISCOPAL)
1 01950 978356,412,462,463,465,499 Newburyport(NBPT), Essex County, MA
1812(07/04) – 1903(09/07)
James Henley Thornwell(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 ? ? ?, WI
1812(12/09) - 1862(08/01)
Franz Delitzsch(LUTHERAN)
49 04001? 341 Leipzig, SN, DE
1813(02/23) - 1890(03/04)
Amasa Mason Lyman(MORMON)
1 03585 603 Lyman, Grafton County, NH
1813(03/30) - 1877(02/04)
Sřren Aabye Kierkegaard
45 1050 3 Copenhagen, DK
1813(05/05) - 1855(11/11)
Robert Murray M'Cheyne
44S EH 131 14 Dublin Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
1813(05/21) – 1843(03/25)
Henry Ward Beecher(CONGREGATIONAL)
1 06759 860 Litchfield, CT
1813(06/24) - 1887(03/08)
Lorenzo Snow(MORMON)
1 44255 330? Mantua Township, Portage County, OH
1814(04/03) - 1901(10/10)
1 06759 860 Litchfield, CT
1815(10/01) - 1900(04/21)
Andrew John Jukes
91 400 22 Mumbai, MH, IN
1815(11/05) – 1901(07/04)
Andrew Leete Stone
1 06478 203? Oxford, New Haven County, CT
1815(11/25) - 1892(01/16)
353 D01 1 Dublin, D, IE
1816(02/05) - 1873(04/30)
Tsultrim Gyatso(BUDDHIST)
86 627550 ? Gaocheng, SC, CN
1816(03/29) - 1837
John Charles Ryle
44 SK10 1625 Macclesfield, England, GB
1816(05/10) – 1900(06/10)
20 16 ? Girga, SHG, EG
1816 - 1861(01/31)
John Williams(EPISCOPAL)
1 01342 413? Deerfield, Franklin County, MA
1817(08/30) – 1899(02/07)
98 13 21 Tehran, IR
1817(11/12) - 1892(05/29)
John Mason Neale
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1818(01/24) – 1866(08/06)
Isaac Mayer Wise(JEWISH)
420 35134 ? Lomnička, CZ
1819(03/29) - 1900(03/26)
Herbert Spencer
44 DE 1332 Derby, England, GB
1820(04/27) - 1903(12/08)
Charles Henry Mackintosh
353 ? ? Glenmalure Barracks, WW, IE
1820(10) – 1896(11/02)
Franklin Dewey Richards(MORMON)
1 01254 413? Richmond, Berkshire County, MA
1821(04/02) - 1899(12/09)
William Taylor
1 24450 540258,61,4,91,348,462,3,4 ?, Rockbridge County, VA Lexington(LXTN)
1821(05/02) – 1902(05/19)
James Springer White(ADVENTIST)
1 04965 207 Palmyra, Somerset County, ME
1821(08/04) – 1881(08/06)
Frederick Temple(ANGLICAN)
30 31100 ? Lefkada, ?, GR
1821(11/30) - 1902(12/23)
James Strong
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1822(08/14) – 1894(08/07)
Robert Young
44S EH 131 Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
1822(09/10) – 1888(10/14)
Samuel Fisk Green
1 01613? 508? Worcester(WRCS), MA
1822(10/10) - 1884(05/28)
Joseph Augustus Seiss(LUTHERAN)
1 21788 301? Graceham, Frederick, MD
1823(03/18) - 1904(06/20)
Robert Samuel Maclay
1 17217 717? Concord, Franklin County, PA
1824(02/07) - 1907(08/18)
George Creider Heckman(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 18042? 610? Easton(ESTN), Northampton County, PA
1825(01/26) - 1902(03/05)
Thomas Henry Huxley
44 W5 20 Ealing, London, England, GB
1825(05/04) - 1895(06/29)
George Quayle Cannon(MORMON)
44 L 151 Liverpool, England, GB
1827(01/11) - 1901(04/12)
Robert Pearsall Smith
1 ? ? ?, PA
1827 - 1898
Andrew Murray
27 6286? 49 Graaff-Reinet, EC, ZA
1828(05/09) - 1917(01/18)
Ira Nathaniel Hinckley(MORMON)
1 84637 435? Cove Fort, Millard County, UT
1928(10/30) - 1904(04/1
44 NG2 115 Sneinton, England, GB
1929(04/10) - 1912(08/20)
Edward White Benson(ANGLICAN)
44 B12 121 Highgate, Birmingham, England, GB
1829(07/14) - 1896(10/11)
John Nevins Andrews(ADVENTIST)
1 04274 207 Poland, Androscoggin County, ME
1829(07/22) – 1883(10/21)
Patrick Augustine Feehan
353 E41 ? Killenaule, TA, IE
1829(08/28) - 1902(07/12)
James Hall Brookes(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 38478 931363,424,68 Pulaski(PLSK), Giles County, TN
1830(02/27) - 1897(04/18)
20 271 82 Tezment, BNS, EG
1831 - 1927(08/07)
James Hudson Taylor(OPEN BRETHREN)
44 S70? 1226 Barnsley, England, GB
1832(05/21) - 1905(06/03)
Alexander Charles Garrett(EPISCOPAL)
353 F56 71 Ballymote, SO, IE
1832 — 1924(02/18)
George Washburn
1 02346? 508923,946,947 Middleboro(MDLB), Plymouth County, MA
1833(03/01) - 1915(02/15)
Benjamin Russell Hanby
1 43150 740? Rushville, Fairfield County, OH
1833(07/22) - 1867(03/16)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
44 CO5 1376 Kelvedon, England, GB
1834(06/19) - 1892(01/31)
Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto(CATHOLIC)
39 31039 423 Riese Pio X, TV, IT
1835(06/02) - 1914(08/20)
Henry Grattan Guinness
353 D14 1 Dundrum, Dublin, D, IE
1835(08/11) - 1910(06/21)
Lyman Abbott
1 02119? 617427,42,5,522,4,41,971,83,9
Roxbury(RXBR), Boston, Suffolk County, MA
1835(12/18) - 1922(10/22)
Gadadhar Chatterjee(HINDU)
91 712612 3211 Kamarpukur, WB, IN
1836(02/18) – 1886(08/16)
Augustus Hopkins Strong(BAPTIST)
1 14692? 585? Rochester(ROCH), Monroe County, NY
1836(08/03) - 1921(11/29)
Brigham Young(MORMON)
1 44094 440? Kirtland, Lake County, OH
1836(12/18) - 1903(04/11)
Daniel Sylvester Tuttle(EPISCOPAL)
1 12496 518? Windham, Greene County, NY
1837(01/26) – 1923(04/17)
Dwight Lyman Moody
1 01360 413? Northfield, Franklin County, MA
1837(02/05) - 1899(12/22)
Arthur Tappan Pierson
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1837(03/06) - 1911(06/03)
John Lindsay Withrow
1 19320 610380,3,4,466,86 Coatesville(CTVL), Chester County, PA
1837 - 1909
Ethelbert William Bullinger
44 CT 1227 Canterbury, England, GB
1837(12/15) - 1913(06/06)
George Frederick Wright
1 12887 518? Whitehall, NY
1838(01/22) – 1921(04/20)
John Wanamaker
1 19104? 215? Grays Ferry, Philadelphia(PHLA), PA
1838(07/11) - 1922(12/12)
Khedrup Gyatso(BUDDHIST)
86 67? ? Gathar, YN?, CN
1838(11/01) - 1856(01/31)
Joseph Fielding Smith(MORMON)
1 64650 816? Far West, Kingston, Caldwell County, MO
1838(11/13) - 1918(11/19)
Jeremiah McAuley
353 ? ? Tralee, KY, IE
1839 - 1884(09/18)
William Jordan Flake(MORMON)
1 28135? 704? ?, Anson County, NC
1839(07/03) - 1932(08/10)
Charles Sanders Peirce
1 02139? 617? Cambridge(CMBR), Middlesex County, MA
1839(09/10) - 1914(04/19)
Francis Marion Lyman(MORMON)
1 61438 309? Good Hope, McDonough County, IL
1840(01/12) - 1916(11/18)
William Henry Conley(JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES)
1 15233? 412? Pittsburgh(PITB), Allegheny County, PA
1940(06/11) - 1897(07/25)
William Henry Harrison Murray
1 06437 203453,458,689 Guilford, New Haven, CT
1840 - 1904
Lyman Stewart
1 15724 814? Cherrytree Township, Venango County, PA
1840(07/22) - 1923(09/28)
Ira David Sankey
1 16116 724? Edinburg, Lawrence County, PA
1840(08/28) - 1908(08/13)
William Eugene Blackstone
1 13605 315? Adams, Jefferson County, NY
1841(10/06) - 1935(11/07)
William James
1 10001? 212? Astor House, Manhattan(NYCM), NY
1842(01/11) - 1910(08/26)
Daniel Sidney Warner(CHURCH OF GOD(ANDERSON, IN))
1 44645 330? Marshallville, Wayne County, OH
1842(06/25) – 1895(12/12)
George Frederick Pentecost
1 62806 618? Albion, Edwards County, IL
1842(09/23) - 1920(08/07)
Cyrus Ingerson Scofield
1 49236 517? Clinton, Lenawee County, MI
1843(08/19) - 1921(07/24)
Albert Benjamin Simpson(CMA)
1C C011N0 Bayview, Cavendish, PE, CA
1843(12/15) - 1919(10/29)
Anthon Henrik Lund(MORMON)
45 9000 9 Aalborg, DK
1844(05/15) - 1921(03/02)
James Orr
44S G 141 Glasgow, Scotland, GB
1844 - 1913(09/06)
Gerard Manley Hopkins
44 E15 20 Stratford, London, England, GB
1844(07/28) – 1889(06/08)
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
49 06686? 34444 Röcken, ST, DE
1844(10/15) - 1900(08/25)
Isaac J. Lansing
1 12189 518? Watervliet, Albany County, NY
1846 - 1920
David Gregg
1 15233? 412? Pittsburgh(PITB), Allegheny County, PA
1846 - 1919
Frederick Brotherton Meyer
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1847(04/08) - 1929(03/28)
John Alexander Dowie
44S EH 131 Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
1847(05/25) – 1907(03/09)
Solomon Schechter
40 620 ? Focșani, VN, RO
1847(12/07) - 1915(11/19)
Randall Thomas Davidson(ANGLICAN)
44S EH 131 Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
1848(04/07) - 1930(05/25)
John Henry Smith(MORMON)
1 51501? 712? Council Bluffs(CNBL), Pottawattamie County, IA
1848(09/18) - 1911(10/13)
Ethelbert Talbot(EPISCOPAL)
1 65248 660? Fayette, Howard County, MO
1848(10/09) – 1928(02/27)
Charles A. Blanchard(CMA)
1 61401? 309? Galesburg(GLBG), Knox County, IL
1848(11/08) - 1925(12/20)
Thomas Henry Howard(SALVATION ARMY)
44 DE7 115 Ilkeston, England, GB
1849(07/17) - 1923(07/01)
Francis James Grimké(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 29402? 843? Charleston(CHTN), SC
1850(10/10) – 1937(10/11)
Clarence Larkin
1 19013 610364,447,85,90,4,7,9,859,72,4,6
Chester(CHES), Delaware County, PA
1850(10/28) - 1924(01/24)
Carl Gustav Adolf von Harnack
372 50050 73 Tartu, EE
1851(05/07) – 1930(06/10)
James Martin Gray
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1851(05/11) - 1935(09/21)
Felix Adler
49 55219 6731 Alzey, RP, DE
1851(08/13) - 1933(04/24)
Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield
1 40507? 859? Lexington(LXTN), Fayette County, KY
1851(11/05) - 1921(02/16)
Charles Taze Russell(JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES)
1 15212? 412? Alleghany,
Pittsburgh(PITB), Allegheny County, PA
1852(02/16) - 1916(10/31)
Charles Frederic Goss
1 13113 315? Meridian, Cayuga County, NY
1852(06/14) - 1930(05/07)
Martin Wells Knapp
1 49224 517? Albion, Calhoun County, MI
1853(03/27) - 1901(12/07)
Amzi Clarence Dixon
1 28150? 704? Shelby(SHLB), Cleveland County, NC
1854(07/06) - 1925(06/14)
Seth Cook Rees
1 46077 317804,67,77,96,984,765734
Westfield(WSFD), Hamilton County, IN
1854(08/06) - 1933(05/22)
Charles Sherlock Fillmore
1 56301? 320? Saint Cloud(STCD), Stearns County, MN
1854(08/22) - 1948(07/05)
James Edward Quigley
1C L1G? 905? Oshawa(OSHW), ON
1854(10/15) – 1915(07/10)
Giacomo Paolo Giovanni Battista della Chiesa(CATHOLIC)
39 16121 10 Pegli, Genoa, GE, IT
1854(11/21) - 1922(01/22)
Elmore Harris
1C L0R 905? Beamsville, ON
1855(02/23) - 1911(12/19)
20 20 88 Dair Tasa, Asyut, AST, EG
1855 - 1942(06/21)
Arcturus Zodiac Conrad
1 47848 812? Shiloh, Sullivan County, IN
1855 - 1937
Josiah Royce
1 95945? 530 Grass Valley(GRVY), Nevada County, CA
1855(11/20) - 1916(09/14)
Reuben Archer Torrey
1 07030 201? Hoboken, Hudson County, NJ
1856(01/28) - 1928(10/26)
Robert Dick Wilson
1 15701 724248,54,86,349,57,97,
463,4,5,9,549,723,6 Indiana(INDI), PA
1856(02/04) - 1930(10/11)
William Bramwell Booth(SALVATION ARMY)
44 HX 1422 Halifax, England, GB
1856(03/08) - 1929(06/19)
William Benton Scranton
1 06511? 203? New Haven(NWHN), CT
1856(05/29) - 1922(03/23)
Heber Jeddy Grant(MORMON)
1 84101? 801? Salt Lake City(SLKC), UT
1856(11/22) - 1945(05/14)
Trinley Gyatso(BUDDHIST)
86 85 ? Shannan, XZ, CN
1857(01/26) - 1875(04/25)
Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti(CATHOLIC)
39 20832 362 Desio, MB, IT
1857(05/31) - 1939(02/10)
Rudger Judd Clawson(MORMON)
1 84101? 801? Salt Lake City(SLKC), UT
1857(03/12) - 1943(06/21)
John Gardner Murray(EPISCOPAL)
1 21539 301? Lonaconing, Allegany County, MD
1857(08/31) – 1929(10/03)
Horace Newton Allen
1 43015 740362,3,8,9,524,48,9,95,657,66,747,833,81
Delaware(DLWR), OH Delaware County
1858(04/23) - 1932(12/11)
Philip Mauro
1 63166? 314? Saint Louis(STLS), MO
1859(01/07) - 1952(04/07)
Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl
420 79601 58 Prostějov, OL, CZ
1859(04/08) - 1938(04/26)
John Wilbur Chapman(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 47374? 765? Richmond(RCMD), Wayne County, IN
1859(06/17) – 1918(12/25)
Horace Grant Underwood(PRESBYTERIAN)
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1859(07/19) – 1916(10/12)
Smith Wigglesworth
44 LS29 1943 Menston, England, GB
1859(06/08) - 1947(03/12)
Henri-Louis Bergson
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1859(10/18) - 1941(01/04)
John Dewey
1 05401? 802 Burlington(BURL), Chittenden County, VT
1859(10/20) - 1952(06/01)
Edgar Young Mullins(SBC)
1 39653 601? ?, Franklin County, MS
1860(01/05) – 1928(11/23)
Rodney Smith
44 CM16 1992 Epping, England, GB
1860(03/31) - 1947(08/04)
William Ralph Inge
44 YO61 ? Crayke, England, GB
1860(06/06) - 1954(02/24)
Charles Thomas Studd
44 NN6 1604 Spratton, England, GB
1860(12/02) - 1931(07/16)
William Henry Griffith Thomas
44 SY10 1691 Oswestry, England, GB
1861(01/02) - 1924(06/02)
Alfred North Whitehead
44 CT11 1843 Ramsgate, England, GB
1861(02/15) - 1947(12/30)
George Franklin Richards(MORMON)
1 84025 801402,47,51 Farmington(FRTN), Davis County, UT
1861(02/23) - 1950(08/08)
John Willis Baer(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 55901? 507? Rochester(ROCH), Olmsted County, MN
1861(03/02) - 1931(02/08)
Arno Clemens Gaebelein(METHODIST)
1 ? ? ?, US
1861(08/27) - 1945(12)
Walter Rauschenbusch(BAPTIST,CT-X)
1 14692? 585? Rochester(ROCH), Monroe County, NY
1861(10/04) - 1918(07/25)
Geerhardus Johannes Vos
31 8410 513 Heerenveen, FR, NL
1862(03/14) - 1949(08/13)
Photios Kalpidis(GREEK ORTHODOX)
90 28702 ? Çakrak, TR
1862 - 1906
William Irvine
44S G65 1236 Kilsyth, Scotland, GB
1863(01/07) - 1947(03/09)
Shailer Mathews
1 04101? 207 Portland(PTLD), Cumberland County, ME
1863(05/26) - 1941(10/23)
William Ashley Sunday(EVANGELICAL)
1 50010? 515? Ames(AMES), Story County, IA
1863(11/19) - 1935(11/06)
George Campbell Morgan
44 GL8 1666 Tebury, England, GB
1863(12/09) - 1945(05/16)
Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás
34 28001 911 Madrid, MD, ES
1863(12/16) - 1952(09/26)
Thomas Frederick Dixon(BAPTIST)
1 28150? 704? Shelby(SHLB), Cleveland County, NC
1864(01/11) - 1946(04/03)
Charles Harrison Mason
1 ? ? ?, Shelby County, TN
1864(09/08) - 1961(11/17)
William Cosmo Gordon Lang(ANGLICAN)
44S AB53 1651 Fyvie, Scotland, GB
1864(10/31) - 1945(12/05)
Edward John Higgins(SALVATION ARMY)
44 TA9 1278 Highbridge, England, GB
1864(11/26) - 1947(12/14)
Vasily Ivanovich Bellavin(RUSSIAN ORTHODOX)
7 182010 ? Klin, PSK, RU
1865(01/31) – 1925(04/07)
Charles Palmerston Anderson(EPISCOPAL)
1C K0G 613 Kemptville, ON
1865(09/08) - 1930(01/30)
Lars Olof Jonathan Söderblom (NPP1930)
46 82608 26 Trönö, Söderhamn, SE
1866(01/15) - 1931(07/12)
Franciszek Hodur(PNCC)
48 42300 ? Żarki, PL
1866(04/01) – 1953(02/16)
Germanos Karavangelis(GREEK ORTHODOX)
30 81109 ? Stipsi, K, GR
1866 - 1935
Ivan Nikolayevich Stragorodsky(RUSSIAN ORTHODOX)
7 ? Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod, RU
1867(01/23) – 1944(05/15)
Bryant Stringham Hinckley(MORMON)
1 84017 435? Coalville, Summit County, UT
1867(07/09) - 1961(06/05)
Mark A. Matthews(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 ? ? ?, US
1867(09/24) - 1940
Edwin S. Hinckley(MORMON)
1 ? ? ?, US
1868(07/21) - 1929(11/15)
Rudolf Otto(CT-X)
49 31224 5171 Peine, NI, DE
1869(09/25) - 1937(03/07)
Joseph Franklin Rutherford(JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES)
1 65084 573? Versailles, Morgan County, MO
1869(11/08) - 1942(01/08)
Wilbur Glenn Voliva
1 ? ? ?, IN
1870(03/10) – 1942(10/11)
George Albert Smith(MORMON)
1 84101? 801? Salt Lake City(SLKC), UT
1870(04/04) - 1951(04/04)
Alonzo Arza Hinckley(MORMON)
1 84637 435? Cove Fort, Millard County, UT
1970(04/23) - 1936(12/22)
William Joseph Seymour(PAW)
1 70522 337? Centerville, Saint Mary Parish, LA
1870(05/02) - 1922(09/28)
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
81 9200000 76 Honda-machi, Kanazawa, JP
1870(10/18) - 1966(07/12)
George McCready Price
1C E4Z 506? Havelock, NB
1870(08/26) - 1963(01/24)
Richard Roswell Lyman(MORMON)
1 84631 435? Fillmore, Millard County, UT
1870(11/23) - 1963(12/31)
Lewis Sperry Chafer
1 44084 440563 Rock Creek(RCCK), Ashtabula County, OH
1871(02/27) – 1952(08/22)
Joshua Reuben Clark(MORMON)
1 84029 435? Grantsville, Tooele County, UT
1871(09/01) - 1961(10/06)
James De Wolf Perry(EPISCOPAL)
1 19104? 215? Germantown, Philadelphia(PHLA), PA
1871(10/03) – 1947(03/20)
20 6742000 ? El Mahalla El Kubra, GH, EG
1872(02/18) - 1945(08/31)
Bertrand Arthur William Russell
44W NP25 1600 Trellech, Wales, GB
1872(05/18) - 1970(02/02)
George Lyndon Carpenter(SALVATION ARMY)
61 2300 ? Raymond Terrace, Hunter, NSW, AU
1872(06/20) – 1948(04/09)
Charles Fox Parham(PAW)
1 52761 563? Muscatine(MSCT), IA
1873(06/04) – 1929(01/29)
George William Mundelein
1 10001? 212? Avenue C, East Village, Manhattan(NYCM), NY
1872(07/02) - 1939(10/02)
David Oman McKay(MORMON)
1 84317 801? Huntsville, Weber County, UT
1873(09/08) - 1970(01/18)
Shirley Jackson Case
1C E5T2A0 506? Hatfield Point, NB
1872(09/28) - 1947(12/05)
Thomas Todhunter Shields
44 BS 117 Bristol, England, GB
1873(11/01) - 1955(04/04)
George Edward Moore
44 SE19 20 Hastings Lodge, Victoria Road,
Dulwich Wood Park, Upper Norwood, London, GB
1873(11/04) - 1958(10/24)
Stephen Samuel Wise
36 1011 1 Budapest, BU, HU
1874(03/17) - 1949(04/19)
Gilbert Keith Chesterton(CT-6)
44 SW5 ? Campden Hill, Kensington, London, England, GB
1874(05/29) - 1936(06/14)
Henry St. George Tucker(EPISCOPAL)
1 22572 804214,24,313,33,94,435,6,8,
443,5,62,72,93,529 Warsaw(WRSW), Richmond County, VA
1874(07/16) - 1959(08/08)
Oswald Chambers(CT-9)
44S AB 1224 Aberdeen, Scotland, GB
1874(07/24) – 1917(11/15)
Albert Schweitzer(LUTHERAN)
33 68240 ? Kaysersberg, Haut-Rhin(FRF12), GES, FR
1875(01/14) - 1965(09/04)
John Roach Straton(BAPTIST)
1 47708? 812? Evansville(EVVL), Vanderburgh County, IN
1875(04/06) – 1929(10/29)
30 53100 23850 Florina, C, GR
1875 – 1905(02/12)
Thubten Gyatso(BUDDHIST)
86 85 ? Lhasa, YZ, CN
1876(02/12) - 1933(12/17)
Eugenio Marěa Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli(CATHOLIC)
39 00100 6 Rome, RM, IT
1876(03/02) - 1958(10/09)
Joseph Fielding Smith(MORMON)
1 84101? 801? Salt Lake City(SLKC), UT
1876(07/19) - 1972(07/02)
Henry Allen Ironside
1C M? 416? Toronto(TORO), ON
1876(10/14) - 1951(01/15)
Henry Sloane Coffin(PRESBYTERIAN)
1 10001? 212?,718? New York, NY
1877(01/05) - 1954(11/25)
Edgar Cayce
1 42240? 270? Hopkinsville(HPVL), Christian County, KY
1877(03/18) - 1945(01/03)
John Franklyn Norri
1 36853 256? Dadeville, Tallapoosa County, AL
1877(09/18) - 1952(08/20)
Sergey Vladimirovich Simanskiy(RUSSIAN ORTHODOX)
7 101000 495 Moscow, MOW, RU
1877(11/08) – 1970(04/17)
Martin Buber
43 1000 1 Vienna, AT
1878(02/08) - 1965(06/13)
Harry Emerson Fosdick
1 14240? 716? Buffalo(BFLO), Erie County, NY
1878(05/24) - 1969(10/05)
Daniel Paul Rader(CMA)
1 80202? 303? Denver(DNVR), CO
1879(08/24) - 1938(07/19)
Robert Pierce Shuler
1 ? ? ?, TN
1880(08/04) – 1965(09/11)
Oswald Thompson Allis
1 19086 610? Wallingford, Delaware County, PA
1880(09/09) - 1973(01/12)
Chrysostomos(GREEK ORTHODOX)
90 09000 ? Aydın, TR
1880 - 1968(06)
Muhammad Mustafa al-Maraghi(SUNNI)
20 1720000 El Maragha, SHG, EG
1881(03/05) – 1945(08/22)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
33 63263 ? Orcines, Puy-de-Dôme(FRK14), ARA, FR
1881(05/01) - 1955(04/10)
355 5000 11 Berat, BR, AL
1881 - 1948(06/17)
John Gresham Machen(PRESBYTERIAN,CT-X)
1 21203? 410? Baltimore(BLTM), MD
1881(07/28) - 1937(01/01)
William Temple(ANGLICAN)
44 EX 1392 Exeter, England, GB
1881(10/15) - 1944(10/26)
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli(CATHOLIC)
39 24039 35 Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, BG, IT
1881(11/25) - 1963(06/03)
Theofan Stilian Noli(GREEK ORTHODOX - ALBANIA)
90 22490 İbriktepe, TR
1882(01/06) – 1965(03/13)
Jacques Maritain
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1882(11/18) - 1973(04/28)
Karl Theodor Jaspers
49 26001? 0441 Oldenburg, NI, DE
1883(02/23) - 1969(02/26)
Robert Davis Reynolds Jones
1 36374 334? Skipperville, Dale County AL
1883(10/30) - 1968(01/16)
Andreos Bar Dawid Urshan
98 ? ? Abajaluy-e Olya, IR
1884(05/17) - 1967(10/16)
Victor Tasho Houteff(DAVIDIAN ADVENTIST)
359 4700 301 Smolyan, BG
1885(03/02) – 1955(02/05)
Charles Francis Potter
1 01752 508229,63,303,23,51,7,93,
460,80,1,5,6,90,624,786,7,774369 Marlborough(MRBO), Middlesex County, MA
1885(10/28) - 1962(10/04)
Timothy Drew(ISLAM)
1 ? ? ?, NC
1886(01/08) - 1929(07/20)
Rienk Bouke Kuiper
31 9936 596 Garrelsweer, GR, NL
1886(01/31) - 1966(04/22)
Arthur Walkington Pink
44 NG 115 Nottingham, England, GB
1886(04/01) – 1952(07/15)
Karl Barth(CT03,CT-X)
41 4000 61 Basel, BS, CH
1886(05/10) - 1968(12/10)
Dhimitër Kokoneshi(GREEK ORTHODOX - ALBANIA)
355 7300 83 Pogradec, KO, AL
1886 - 1973(10/08)
Paul Johannes Tillich
48 66633 ? Starosiedle, PL
1886(08/20) - 1965(10/22)
Charles Walter Stansby Williams(CT-X)
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1886(09/20) - 1945(05/15)
Albert William Thomas Orsborn(SALVATION ARMY)
44 ? ? ?, England, GB
1886(09/04) - 1967(02/04)
Abraham Vereide(METHODIST)
47 4650 ? Gloppen, NO
1886(10/07) - 1969(05/16)
Leon Grochowski(PNCC)
48 08124 ? Skupie, Mokobody, PL
1886(10/11) – 1969(07/17)
Charles Edward Fuller
1 90086? 213? Los Angeles(LSAN), CA
1887(04/25) - 1968(03/18)
Geoffrey Francis Fisher(ANGLICAN)
44 CV13 01455 Higham on the Hill, England, GB
1887(05/02) - 1972(09/15)
Oscar Walter McConkie(MORMON)
1 84532 435? Moab, Grand County, UT
1887(05/09) - 1966(04/09)
Samuel Alphonsius Stritch
1 37202? 615? Nashville(NSVL), Davidson County, TN
1887(08/17) - 1958(05/27)
Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein
43 1000 1 Vienna, AT
1889(04/26) - 1951(04/29)
Francis Joseph Spellman
1 02382 781? Whitman, Plymouth County, MA
1889(05/04) - 1967(12/02)
Martin Heidegger
49 88601 7570 Meßkirch, BW, DE
1889(09/26) - 1976(05/26)
Gabriel Honoré Marcel
33 75 01? Paris(FR101), IDF, FR
1889(12/07) - 1973(10/08)
Heinrich Emil Brunner(CT-X)
41 8400 52 Winterthur, ZH, CH
1889(12/23) - 1966(04/06)
Henry Knox Sherrill(EPISCOPAL)
1 11201? 718? Brooklyn(NYCK), NY
1890(11/06) - 1980(05/11)
Anders Theodor Samuel Nygren(CT-X)
46 40000 31 Gothenburg, SE
1890(11/15) - 1978(10/20)
355 3000 54 Elbasan, EL, AL
1890(12/14) – 1965(12/15)
Michael Polanyi(CT-X)
36 1011 1 Budapest, BU, HU
1891(03/11) - 1976(02/22)
William Foxwell Albright
56 1780000 51 Coquimbo, CL
1891(05/24) - 1971(09/19)
Charles Edward Coughlin(CATHOLIC)
1C L8B? 905? Hamilton(HMTN), ON
1891(10/25) - 1979(10/27)
Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller
49 59555? 02941 Lippstadt, NW, DE
1892(01/14) – 1984(03/06)
Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr(CT-10,CT-X)
1 63390 636? Wright City, Warren County, MO
1892(06/21) - 1971(06/01)
Herbert W. Armstrong(ARMSTRONGISM)
1 50318? 515? Des Moines(DESM), Polk County, IA
1892(07/31) - 1986(01/16)
Mahmoud Shaltut(SUNNI)
20 57 ? Minyat Bani Mansur, Itay El Barud, BH, EG
1893(04/23) - 1963(12/13)
Wilfred Kitching(SALVATION ARMY)
44 ? 20 London, England, GB
1893(08/22) - 1977(12/15)
Frederick William Franz(JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES)
1 41011? 859? Covington(CVTN), Kenton County, KY
1893(09/12) - 1992(12/22)
Hassan Mamoun(SUNNI)
20 11? 2 Cairo, C, EG
1894(06/13) - 1973(05/19)
Lemuel Nelson Bell
1 24422 540? Longdale, Alleghany County, VA
1894(07/30) - 1973(08/02)
Donald Grey Barnhouse
1 ? ? ?, US
1895(03/28) - 1960(11/05)
Spencer Woolley Kimball(MORMON)
1 84101? 801? Salt Lake City(SLKC), UT
1895(03/28) - 1985(11/05)
Kornelis Van Til
31 9820? 594 Grootegast, GR, NL
1895(05/03) - 1987(04/17)
Peter John Sheen
1 61738 309527 El Paso(ELPS), Woodford, IL
1895(05/08) - 1979(12/09)
Norman Percy Grubb
44 NW3 20 Hampstead, London, England, GB
1895(08/02) – 1993(12/15)
Richard James Cushing(CATHOLIC)
1 02127 617? South Boston, Boston, MA
1895(08/24) - 1970(11/02)
John R. Rice(BAPTIST)
1 76240? 940? ?, Cooke County, TX
1895(12/11) - 1980(12/29)
357 30103150 25 Limassol, CY
1896(03/03) - 1947(07/26)
Elijah Muhammad
1 31082 478? Sandersville, Washington County, GA
1897(10/07) - 1975(02/25)
Aiden Wilson Tozer(CMA,CT49,CT-X)
1 15753 814? Newburg, Clearfield County, PA
1897(04/21) - 1963(05/12)
Peter N. Deyneka
375 ? ? ?, BY
1897(07/12) - 1987(07/29)
Kenneth Duva Burke
1 15233? 412? Pittsburgh(PITB), Allegheny County, PA
1897(05/05) - 1993(11/19)
Marion George Romney(MORMON)
52 32000 ? Colonia Juárez, CH, MX
1897(09/19) - 1988(05/20)
Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini(CATHOLIC)
39 25062 30 Concesio, BS, IT
1897(09/26) - 1978(08/06)>
Eric John Hewitson Nash
44 SL6 1628 Maidenhead, England GB
1898(04/22) - 1982(04/04)
Paul Tournier(CT24,CT-X)
41 1200 22 Geneva, GE, CH
1898(05/12) - 1986(10/07)
Norman Vincent Peale
1 45307 937? Bowersville, Greene County, OH
1898(05/31) - 1993(12/24)
John Murray
44S IV24 1863 Bonar Bridge, Scotland, GB
1898(10/14) - 1975(05/08)
Clive Staples Lewis(CT3,CT-1,CT-X)
44N BT 28 Belfast, Northern Ireland, GB
1898(11/29) - 1963(11/22)
Harold Bingham Lee(MORMON)
1 83228 208? Clifton, Franklin County, ID
1899(03/28) - 1973(12/26)
Frank Ely Gaebelein(EVANGELICAL)
1 10551? 914363,459,520,85 Mount Vernon(MTVR), Westchester County, NY
1899(03/31) - 1983(01/19)
Ezra Taft Benson(MORMON)
1 83263 208? Whitney, Franklin County, ID
1899(08/04) - 1994(05/30)
Johannes Ernst Richard Lilje
49 30001? 511 Hanover, NI, DE
1899(08/20) - 1977(01/06)
Frederick Coutts(SALVATION ARMY)
44S KY 1592 Kirkcaldy, Scotland, GB
1899(09/21) – 1986(02/06)
Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei(SHIA)
98 58 443 Khoy, IR
1899(11/19) - 1992(08/08)
Michael King
1 30281 678284,9,565,770389,474,506,7 Stockbridge(STBR), Henry County, GA
1899(12/19) - 1984(11/11)
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
44W CF 29 Cardiff, Wales, GB
1899(12/20) - 1981(03/01)
Essek William Kenyon(WORD OF FAITH)1 12835 Hadley, NY1867(04/25) - 1948
Robert Alexander Jaffray(CMA)1CON ? ?, ON1873 - 1945(07/29)
Major Jealous Divine1 ? ?, ?1876 - 1965(09/10)
Marcelino Manuel da Graca 238 ? Brava, CV1881(01/25) - 1960(01/12)
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes1 ? Lincoln, ME1887(01/21) - 1960(04/07)
Oswald Jeffrey Smith(CMA)1CON ? ?, ON1889(11/08) - 1986(01/25)
Emil Brunner41 ? Zurich, CH1889(12/23) - 1966(04/06)
Rudolph Carnap49 ? Ronsdorf, Wuppertal, DE1891(05/18) - 1970(09/14)
Garfield Bromley Oxnam1 ? Los Angeles, CA1891(08/14) - 1963(03/12)
Clarence Bouma31 ? Harlingen, Friesland, NL1891(11/30) - 1962(08/12)
Lance Brenton Latham1 16256 814? Denton, Smicksburg, Indiana County, PA1894(03/21) - 1985(01/15)
Helmut Richard Niebuhr(CT-X)1 63390 Wright City, MO1894(09/03) - 1962(07/05)
James Oliver Buswell1 ? Burlington, WI1895(01/16) - 1977(02/04)
Ralph Meredith Riggs(AG)1 ? Coal Creek, TN1895(06/16) - 1971(01/13)


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please contact our webmaster: Edward M. Stadick