(an place page of
(alternative access at
New Zealand

Parliament House, Wellington

16 Regions and 1 Special Island Authority

North Island
64 ? ? Northland(1), NZ
pop. 168,300 - NZ-NTL
64 ? ? Auckland(2), NZ
pop. 1,570,500 - NZ-AUK
64 ? ? Waikato(3), NZ
pop. 439,200 - NZ-WKO
64 ? ? Bay of Plenty(4), NZ
pop. 287,100 - NZ-BOP
64 ? ? Gisborne(5), NZ
pop. 47,400 - NZ-GIS
64 ? ? Hawke's Bay(6), NZ
pop. 160,100 - NZ-HKB
64 ? ? Taranaki(7), NZ
pop. 115,800 - NZ-TKI
64 ? ? Manawatu-Whanganui(8), NZ
pop. 234,500 - NZ-MWT
64 ? ? Wellington(9), NZ
pop. 496,900 - NZ-WGN

South Island
64 ? ? Tasman(10), NZ
pop. 49,500 - NZ-TAS
64 ? ? Nelson(11), NZ
pop. 49,900 - NZ-NSN
64 ? ? Marlborough(12), NZ
pop. 45,300 - NZ-MBH
64 ? ? West Coast(13), NZ
pop. 32,700 - NZ-WTC
64 ? ? Canterbury(14), NZ
pop. 586,500 - NZ-CAN
64 ? ? Otago (15), NZ
pop. 215,100 - NZ-OTA
64 ? ? Southland(16), NZ
pop. 97,300 - NZ-STL

Special Island Authority
64 ? ? Chatham Islands Territory, NZ
pop. 600 - NZ-CIT

"Some outlying islands are not included within regional boundaries. ... The Kermadecs and the subantarctic islands are inhabited only by a small number of Department of Conservation staff, and the Conservation Minister is empowered to act as a regional council for these islands."

"Raoul Island (Sunday Island), the largest and northernmost of the main Kermadec Islands ... The permanently manned Raoul Island Station has been maintained since 1937. It includes a government meteorological and radio station and hostel for Department of Conservation (DOC) officers and volunteers."

64 ? ? Kermadec Islands, NZ 64 ? ? Three Kings Islands, NZ
pop. 0

New Zealand Subantarctic Islands
64 ? ? Bounty Islands, NZ
pop. 0
64 ? ? Snares Islands / Tini Heke, NZ
pop. 0
64 ? ? Antipodes Islands, NZ
pop. 0
64 ? ? Auckland Islands, NZ
pop. 0
64 ? ? Campbell Island group, NZ
pop. 0

See for Ross Dependency, Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau.

Capital, Largest Cities, and Ports
64 ? ? Wellington*+, NZ
pop. 346,000
64 ? ? Auckland+, NZ
pop. 1,148,000
64 ? ? Christchurch+, NZ
pop. 331,443
64 ? ? Dunedin+, NZ 64 ? ? Tauranga+, NZ

Telephone numbers in New Zealand
Spark New Zealand
"...the introduction of NEC Stored Program Control exchanges in to the New Zealand telephone network during the 1980s..."

Postcodes in New Zealand
New Zealand Post



If you have any questions about this web site,
please contact our webmaster: Edward M. Stadick