(an place page of
(alternative access at
266 ? ? Berea(1), LS pop. 262,616 - LS-D | 266 ? ? Butha-Buthe(2), LS pop. 118,242 - LS-B | 266 ? ? Leribe(3), LS pop. 337,521 - LS-C | 266 ? ? Mafeteng(4), LS pop. x,xxx - LS-E | 266 ? ? Maseru(5), LS pop. x,xxx - LS-A |
266 ? ? Mohale's Hoek(6), LS pop. x,xxx - LS-F | 266 ? ? Mokhotlong(7), LS pop. x,xxx - LS-J | 266 ? ? Qacha's Nek(8), LS pop. x,xxx - LS-H | 266 ? ? Quthing(9), LS pop. x,xxx - LS-G | 266 ? ? Thaba-Tseka(19), LS pop. x,xxx - LS-K |
Capital, Largest Cities, and Ports
266 ? ? Maseru*, LS pop. 172,000 |
Telephone numbers in Lesotho |
.ls |
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