Below are new input records that haven't yet been incorporated to the above links or the main picture pages.
time: 1966(10/31) name: Ad-rock, ? space: 1 ? South Orange, NJ url: http:/// time: 1972(08/15) name: Affleck, Ben space: 1 ? Berkeley, CA url: http:/// time: 1952 name: Aghdashloo, Shohreh space: ? ? Tehran, Iran url: http:/// time: 1980(12/18) name: Aguilera, Christina space: 1 10001? Staten Island, NY url: http:/// time: 1978(11/30) name: Aiken, Clay space: 1 ? Raleigh, NC url: http:/// time: 1971(04/05) name: Allen, Krista space: 1 ? Ventura, CA url: http:/// time: 1965(05/20) name: Allen, Ted space: 1 ? Carmel, IN url: http:/// time: 1951(09/25) name: Almodovar, Pedro space: 34 ? Calzada de Calatrava, ES url: http:/// time: 1978(02/20) name: Ambrose, Lauren space: 1 ? New Haven, CT url: http:/// time: 1963(08/22) name: Amos, Tori space: 1 ? Newton, NC url: http:/// time: 1975(05/27) name: Andre 3000, ? space: 1 ? Atlanta, GA url: http:/// time: 1968(08/09) name: Anderson, Gillian space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1967(07/01) name: Anderson, Pamela space: 1CBC ? Comox, Vancouver Island, BC url: http:/// time: 1969(05/01) name: Anderson, Wes space: 1 ? Houston, TX url: http:/// time: 1968(09/16) name: Anthony, Marc space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1912(09/29) name: Antonioni, Michealangelo space: 39 ? Ferrara, Italy url: http:/// time: 1977(09/13) name: Apple, Fiona space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1959(03/06) name: Arnold, Tom space: 1 ? Ottumwa, IA url: http:/// time: 1971(09/08) name: Arquette, David space: 1 ? Wincester, VA url: http:/// time: 1980(10/13) name: Ashanti?, Douglas? space: 1 ? Glen Cove, NY url: http:/// time: 1934(06/16) name: Atkins, Eileen space: 44 ? London, England, G B url: http:/// time: 1975(01/29) name: Atkins, Sharif space: 1 ? Pittsburgh, PA url: http:/// time: 1955(01/06) name: Atkinson, Rowan space: 44 ? Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1964(04/25) name: Azaria, Hank space: 1 10001? Forest Hills, Queens, NY url: http:/// #babyface time: 1959(04/10) name: Edmonds, Kenneth space: 1 ? Indianapolis, IN url: http:/// time: 1954(12/20) name: Badalucco, Michael space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1966(12/24) name: Badu, Erykah space: 1 ? Alexandria, VA url: http:/// time: 1938(02/25) name: Baker, Diane space: 1 ? Hollywood, CA url: http:/// time: 1960(10/05) name: Baldwin, Daniel space: 1 ? Massapequa, NY url: http:/// time: 1974(01/30) name: Bale, Christian space: 44 ? Pembrokeshire, Wales, GB url: http:/// time: 1975(02/10) name: Banks, Elizabeth space: 1 ? Pittsfield, MA url: http:/// time: 1973(12/04) name: Banks, Tyra space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1984(06/30) name: Barrino, Fantasia space: 1 ? High Point, NC url: http:/// time: 1986(01/24) name: Barton, Misha space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1979(05/04) name: Bass, Lance space: 1 ? Laurel, MS url: http:/// time: 1958(08/16) name: Bassett, Angela space: 1 10001? Harlem, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1928(07/22) name: Bean, Orson space: 1 ? Burlington, VT url: http:/// time: 1959(04/17) name: Bean, Sean space: 44 ? Sheffield, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1966(11/26) name: Beauvais, Garcelle space: ? ? Saint Marc, Haiti url: http:/// time: 1970(07/08) name: Beck?, Hansen? space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1944(06/24) name: Beck, Jeff space: 44 ? Wallington, Surrey, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1973(07/26) name: Beckinsale, Kate space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1943(10/07) name: Behar, Joy space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1945(06/17) name: Bell, Art space: 1 ? Camp Lejeune, NC url: http:/// time: 1968(08/14) name: Bell, Catherine space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1967(04/18) name: Bello, Maria space: 1 ? Norristown, PA url: http:/// time: 1944(08/04) name: Belzer, Richard space: 1 ? Bridgeport, CT url: http:/// time: 1952(10/27) name: Benigni, Roberto space: 39 ? Misericordia, IT url: http:/// #new 2 bennett time: 1934(05/09) name: Bennett, Alan space: 44 ? Leeds, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1986(02/25) name: Berfield, Justin space: 1 ? Ventura County, CA url: http:/// time: 1955(05/06) name: Bergeron, Tom space: 1 ? Haverhill, MA url: http:/// time: 1940(03/16) name: Bertolucci, Bernardo space: 39 ? Parma, IT url: http:/// time: 1958(06/17) name: Biafra, Jello space: 1 ? Boulder, CO url: http:/// time: 1975(02/01) name: Big Boi, ? space: 1 ? Savanna, GA url: http:/// time: 1978(05/12) name: Biggs, Jason space: 1 ? Pompton Plains, NJ url: http:/// time: 1981(08/25) name: Bilson, Rachel space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1964(03/09) name: Binoche, Juliette space: 33 ? Paris, FR url: http:/// time: 1982(03/11) name: Birch, Thora space: 1 ? Beverly Hills, CA url: http:/// time: 1965(11/21) name: Gudmundsdottir, Björk space: ? ? Reykjavik, Iceland url: http:/// time: 1969(04/07) name: Black, Jack space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1921(04/23) name: Blair, Janet space: 1 ? Altoona, PA url: http:/// time: 1972(06/23) name: Blair, Selma space: 1 ? Southfield, MI url: http:/// time: 1969(05/14) name: Blanchett, Cate space: 61 ? Melbourne, AU url: http:/// time: 1968(06/14) name: Bleeth, Yasmine space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1946(02/20) name: Blethyn, Brenda space: 44 ? Ramsgate, Kent, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1971(01/11) name: Blige, Mary J. space: 1 10001? Bronx, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1977(01/13) name: Bloom, Orlando space: 44 ? Canterbury, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1958(09/22) name: Bocelli, Andrea space: 39 ? Lajatico, IT url: http:/// time: 1967(11/16) name: Bonet, Lisa space: 1 ? San Francisco, CA url: http:/// time: 1971(05/16) name: Boreanaz, David space: 1 ? Buffalo, NY url: http:/// time: 1983(01/02) name: Bosworth, Kate space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1970(03/03) name: Bowen, Julie space: 1 ? Baltimore, MD url: http:/// time: 1936(10/16) name: Bowles, Peter space: 1 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1970(03/24) name: Boyle, Lara Flynn space: 1 ? Davenport, IA url: http:/// time: 1972(06/02) name: Brady, Wayne space: 1 ? Orlando, FL url: http:/// time: 1975(04/06) name: Braff, Zach space: 1 ? South Orange, NJ url: http:/// #new 3 brandauer time: 1944(06/22) name: Brandauer, Klaus Maria space: ? ? Steiermark, AT url: http:/// #brandy time: 1979(02/11) name: Norwood, Brandy space: 1 ? McComb, MS url: http:/// time: 1960(08/10) name: Braschi, Nicoletta space: 39 ? Cesena, IT url: http:/// time: 1963(12/16) name: Bratt, Benjamin space: 1 ? San Francisco, CA url: http:/// time: 1962(07/01) name: Braugher, Andre space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1971 name: Bremner, Ewen space: 44 ? Edinburgh, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1971(04/12) name: Brendon, Nicholas space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1964(06/22) name: Brenneman, Amy space: 1 ? Gastonbury, CT url: http:/// time: 1960(08/14) name: Brightman, Sarah space: 44 ? Berkhamstead, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1949(05/24) name: Broadbent, Jim space: 44 ? Lincolnshire, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1963(03/07) name: Brochtrup, Bill space: 1 ? Inglewood, CA url: http:/// time: 1979(12/15) name: Brody, Adam space: 1 ? San Diego, CA url: http:/// #adrien time: 1973(04/14) name: Brody, Adrien space: 1 ? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1951(04/13) name: Bryson, Peabo space: 1 ? Greenville, SC url: http:/// time: 1968(01/29) name: Burns, Edward space: 1 10001? Woodside, Queens, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1958(08/25) name: Burton, Tim space: 1 ? Burbank, CA url: http:/// time: 1957(12/13) name: Buscemi, Steve space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1986(04/03) name: Bynes, Amanda space: 1 ? Thousand Oaks, CA url: http:/// time: 1950(05/12) name: Byrne, Gabriel space: ? ? Dublin, Ireland url: http:/// time: 1954(08/16) name: Cameron, James space: 1CON ? Kapuskasing, ON url: http:/// time: 1958(06/22) name: Campbell, Bruce space: 1 ? Royal Oak, MI url: http:/// time: 1973(10/03) name: Campbell, Neve space: 1CON ? Guelph, ON url: http:/// time: 1962(08/16) name: Carrell, Steve space: 1 ? Concord, MA url: http:/// time: 1975(06/25) name: Cardellini, Linda space: 1 ? Redwood City, CA url: http:/// time: 1939(04/15) name: Cardinale, Claudia space: ? ? Tunis, Tunisia url: http:/// time: 1958(05/23) name: Carey, Drew space: 1 ? Cleveland, OH url: http:/// #jr time: 1921(05/16) name: Carey, Harry space: 1 ? Saugus, CA url: http:/// time: 1980(08/16) name: Carlton, Vanessa space: 1 ? Milford, PA url: http:/// time: 1961(04/14) name: Carlyle, Robert space: 44 ? Glasgow, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1931(07/01) name: Caron, Leslie space: 33 ? Boulogne, FR url: http:/// time: 1948(01/16) name: Carpenter, John space: 1 ? Carthage, NY url: http:/// time: 1967(01/02) name: Carrere, Tia space: 1 ? Honolulu, HI url: http:/// time: 1969(07/12) name: Carson, Lisa Nicole space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1980(01/28) name: Carter, Nick space: 1 ? Jamestown, NY url: http:/// time: 1959(10/25) name: Cartwright, Nancy space: 1 ? Kettering, OH url: http:/// time: 1971(02/09) name: Case, Sharon space: 1 ? Detroit, MI url: http:/// time: 1958(09/10) name: Castellaneta, Dan space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1990(03/24) name: Castle-Hughes, Keisha space: 61 ? Donnybrook, West Australia, AU url: http:/// time: 1963(07/16) name: Cates, Phoebe space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1956(08/21) name: Cattrall, Kim space: 44 ? Liverpool, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1968(10/26) name: Cavanagh, Tom space: 1CON ? Ottawa, ON url: http:/// time: 1964(04/24) name: Cedric the Entertainer, ? space: 1 ? Jefferson City, MO url: http:/// time: 1982(09/30) name: Chabert, Lacey space: 1 ? Purvis, MS url: http:/// time: 1976(08/27) name: Chalke, Sarah space: 1CON ? Ottawa, ON url: http:/// time: 1954(04/07) name: Chan, Jackie space: ? ? ?, Hong Kong url: http:/// time: 1973(08/24) name: Chappelle, Dave space: 1 ? Washington, DC url: http:/// #JC time: 1976(08/08) name: Chasez, Joshua space: 1 ? Washington, DC url: http:/// #new 4 cheadle time: 1964(11/29) name: Cheadle, Don space: 1 ? Kansas City, MO url: http:/// time: 1931(02/24) name: Chianese, Dominic space: 1 10001? Bronx, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1939(01/23) name: Chiba, Sonny space: ? ? Fukuoka, Kyushu, JP url: http:/// time: 1968(12/05) name: Cho, Margaret space: 1 ? San Francisco, CA url: http:/// time: 1955(05/18) name: Chow, Yun-Fat space: 1 ? ?, Hong Kong url: http:/// time: 1981(04/19) name: Christensen, Hayden space: 1CBC ? Vancouver, BC url: http:/// time: 1968(12/25) name: Christensen, Helena space: ? ? Copenhagen, Denmark url: http:/// time: 1960(08/01) name: D, Chuck space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1986(02/21) name: Church, Charlotte space: 44 ? Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales, GB url: http:/// time: 1948(09/24) name: Clapp, Gordon space: 1 ? North Conway, NH url: http:/// time: 1964(04/04) name: Clark, Anthony space: 1 ? Lynchburg, VA url: http:/// time: 1982(04/24) name: Clarkson, Kelly space: 1 ? Burleson, TX url: http:/// time: 1959(12/29) name: Clarkson, Patricia space: 1 ? New Orleans, LA url: http:/// time: 1957(09/21) name: Coen, Ethan space: 1 ? Saint Louis Park, MN url: http:/// time: 1954(11/29) name: Coen, Joel space: 1 ? Saint Louis Park, MN url: http:/// time: 1934(09/21) name: Cohen, Leonard space: 1C ? Montreal, Quebec url: http:/// time: 1971(10/13) name: Cohen, Sacha Baron space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1964(05/13) name: Colbert, Stephen space: 1 ? Charleston, SC url: http:/// time: 1968(04/05) name: Cole, Paula space: 1 ? Manchester, CT url: http:/// time: 1971(11/01) name: Collette, Toni space: 61 ? Blacktown, AU url: http:/// time: 1947(10/01) name: Collins, Stephen space: 1 ? Des Moines, IA url: http:/// time: 1956(01/10) name: Colvin, Shawn space: 1 ? Vermillion, SD url: http:/// #diddy time: 1969(11/04) name: Combs, Sean space: 1 ? Harlem, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1970(12/12) name: Connelly, Jennifer space: 1 ? Catskill Mountains, NY url: http:/// time: 1974(03/05) name: Connolly, Kevin space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1953(11/13) name: Conroy, Frances space: 1 ? Monroe, GA url: http:/// time: 1963(08/01) name: Coolio, ? space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1971(05/12) name: Coppola, Sofia space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1961(05/09) name: Corbett, John space: 1 ? Wheeling, WV url: http:/// time: 1967(03/17) name: Corgan, Billy space: 1 ? Elk Grove, IL url: http:/// time: 1964(07/20) name: Cornell, Chris space: 1 ? Seattle, WA url: http:/// time: 1967(07/11) name: Corwin, Jeff space: 1CNS ? Halifax, NS url: http:/// time: 1959(10/17) name: Cowell, Simon space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1946(06/01) name: Cox, Brian space: 44S ? Dundee, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1978(06/02) name: Cox, Nikki space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1942(10/10) name: Coyote, Peter space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1968(03/02) name: Craig, Daniel space: 44 ? Chester, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1956(03/07) name: Cranston, Bryan space: 1 ? San Fernando Valley, CA url: http:/// time: 1962(03/25) name: Cross, Marcia space: 1 ? Marlborough, MA url: http:/// time: 1957(07/13) name: Crowe, Cameron space: 1 ? Palm Springs, CA url: http:/// time: 1964(04/07) name: Crowe, Russell space: ? ? Wellington, NZ url: http:/// time: 1968(07/08) name: Crudup, Billy space: 1 ? Manhasset, NY url: http:/// time: 1974(04/28) name: Cruz, Penelope space: ? ? Madrid, ES url: http:/// time: 1982(09/30) name: Culkin, Kieran space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1989(07/21) name: Culkin, Rory space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1973(06/22) name: Daly, Carson space: 1 ? Santa Monica, CA url: http:/// time: 1970(10/08) name: Damon, Matt space: 1 ? Cambridge, MA url: http:/// time: 1979(04/12) name: Danes, Claire space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1974(02/11) name: D'Angelo, ? space: 1 23232? Richmond, VA url: http:/// #new 5 daniels time: 1946(02/21) name: Daniels, Anthony space: 44 ? Salisbury, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1947(07/02) name: David, Larry space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1964(03/23) name: Davis, Hope space: 1 ? Englewood, NJ url: http:/// time: 1965(02/24) name: Davis, Kristin space: 1 ? Boulder, CO url: http:/// time: 1979(05/09) name: Dawson, Rosario space: 1 10001? Bronx, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1917(10/13) name: Day, Laraine space: 1 ? Roosevelt, UT url: http:/// time: 1926(04/28) name: Dearie, Blossom space: 1 ? East Durham, NY url: http:/// time: 1961(11/29) name: Delaney, Kim space: 1 ? Philadelphia, PA url: http:/// time: 1970(01/12) name: De la Rocha, Zack space: 1 ? Long Beach, CA url: http:/// time: 1967(02/19) name: Del Toro, Benicio space: 1 ? Sandurce, PR url: http:/// time: 1966(01/13) name: Dempsey, Patrick space: 1 ? Lewiston, ME url: http:/// time: 1934(12/09) name: Dench, Judi space: 44 ? York, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1973(01/10) name: De Rossi, Portia space: 61 ? Melbourne, Victoria, AU url: http:/// time: 1972(08/30) name: Diaz, Cameron space: 1 ? San Diego, CA url: http:/// time: 1965(12/21) name: Dick, Andy space: 1 ? Charleston, SC url: http:/// time: 1967(07/18) name: Diesel, Vin space: 1 ? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1972(01/02) name: Diggs, Taye space: 1 ? Essex County, NJ url: http:/// time: 1965(08/16) name: Dillon, Kevin space: 1 ? Mamaroneck, NY url: http:/// time: 1969(06/11) name: Dinklage, Peter space: 1 ? Mendham, NJ url: http:/// time: 1965 name: Djalili, Oman space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1971(10/20) name: Dogg, Snoop space: 1 ? Long Beach, CA url: http:/// time: 1945(03/08) name: Dolenz, Mickey space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1959(06/30) name: D'Onofrio, Vincent space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1946(05/10) name: Leitch, Donovan space: 44 ? Glasgow, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1963(08/25) name: Donovan, Tate space: 1 ? Tenafly, NJ url: http:/// time: 1952(12/09) name: Dom, Michael space: 1 ? Luling, TX url: http:/// time: 1973(08/22) name: Dorough, Howie space: 1 ? Orlando, FL url: http:/// time: 1966(12/11) name: Dourdan, Gary space: 1 ? Philadelphia, PA url: http:/// time: 1945(04/13) name: Dow, Tony space: 1 ? Hollywood, CA url: http:/// time: 1960(05/06) name: Downey, Roma space: 44 ? Derry, Northern Ireland, GB url: http:/// time: 1957(09/30) name: Drescher, Fran space: 1 10001? Flushing, Queens, NY url: http:/// time: 1970(01/31) name: Driver, Minnie space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1985(02/19) name: Duff, Haylie space: 1 ? Houston, TX url: http:/// time: 1987(09/28) name: Duff, Hilary space: 1 ? Houston, TX url: http:/// time: 1972(11/14) name: Duhamel, Josh space: 1 ? Minot, ND url: http:/// time: 1950(11/07) name: Duncan, Lindsey space: 44 ? Edinburgh, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1982(04/30) name: Dunst, Kirsten space: 1 ? Point Pleasant, NJ url: http:/// time: 1969(12/09) name: Dylan, Jakob space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1967(03/01) name: Eads, George space: 1 ? Fort Worth, TX url: http:/// time: 1959(04/27) name: Easton, Sheena space: 44 ? Bellshill, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1969(12/29) name: Ehle, Jennifer space: 1 ? Winston-Salem, NC url: http:/// time: 1972(04/20) name: Electra, Carmen space: 1 ? Cincinnati, OH url: http:/// time: 1971(09/30) name: Elfman, Jenna space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1973(09/07) name: Elizabeth, Shannon space: 1 ? Houston, TX url: http:/// time: 1960(05/31) name: Elliot, Chris space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1972(10/17) name: Eminem, ? space: 1 ? Saint Joseph, MO url: http:/// time: 1944(03/24) name: Ermey, R. Lee space: 1 ? Emporia, KS url: http:/// time: 1974(06/22) name: Faison, Donald space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1963(07/05) name: Falco, Edie space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// #new 6 fallon time: 1974(09/19) name: Fallon, Jimmy space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1944(02/29) name: Farina, Dennis space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1976(05/31) name: Farrell, Colin space: ? ? Dublin, Ireland url: http:/// time: 1959(03/29) name: Farrell, Perry space: 1 10001? Queens, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1958(06/17) name: Farrelly, Bob space: 1 ? Cumberland, RI url: http:/// time: 1956(12/17) name: Farrelly, Peter space: 1 ? Phoenixville, PA url: http:/// time: 1977(01/28) name: Fatone, Joey space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1979(11/29) name: Farrara, Jerry space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New rk, NY url: http:/// time: 1967(07/16) name: Ferrell, Will space: 1 ? Irvine, CA url: http:/// time: 1971(06/08) name: Feuerstein, Mark space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1970(05/18) name: Fey, Tina space: 1 ? Upper Darby, PA url: http:/// time: 19(/) name: Fiennes, Joseph space: 44 ? Salisbury, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1954(06/06) name: Fierstein, Harvey space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1976(07/06) name: 50 Cent, ? space: 1 10001? Queens, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1969(05/17) name: Filicia, Thom space: 1 ? Syracuse, NY url: http:/// time: 19(/) name: Finchner, David space: 1 ? ?, ? url: http:/// time: 1960(03/09) name: Fiorentino, Linda space: 1 ? Philadelphia, PA url: http:/// time: 1960(09/10) name: Firth, Colin space: 44 ? Grayshott, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1974(03/07) name: Fischer, Jenna space: 1 ? Fort Wayne, IN url: http:/// time: 1959(03/16) name: Flavor Flav, ? space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1942(06/24) name: Fleetwood, Mick space: 44 ? Redruth, Cornwall, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1964(11/11) name: Flockhart, Calista space: 1 ? Freeport, IL url: http:/// time: 1950(05/01) name: Florek, Dann space: 1 ? ?Flat Rock, MI url: http:/// time: 1963(01/04) name: Foley, Dave space: 1CON ? Etobicoke, ON url: http:/// time: 1945(05/28) name: Fogerty, John space: 1 ? Berkeley, CA url: http:/// time: 1932(02/18) name: Forman, Milos space: ? ? Caslav, CS url: http:/// time: 1968(07/07) name: Fox, Jorja space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1966(07/) name: Fox, Matthew space: 1 ? ?, ? url: http:/// time: 1964(07/30) name: Fox, Vivica A. space: 1 ? Indianapolis, IN url: http:/// time: 1958(09/06) name: Foxworthy, Jeff space: 1 ? Atlanta, GA url: http:/// time: 1967(12/13) name: Foxx, Jamie space: 1 ? Terrell, TX url: http:/// time: 1978(04/19) name: Franco, James space: 1 ? Palo Alto, CA url: http:/// time: 1951(05/21) name: Franken, Al space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1968(12/03) name: Fraser, Brendan space: 1 ? Indianapolis, IN url: http:/// time: 1926(06/09) name: Freeman, Mona space: 1 ? Baltimore, MD url: http:/// time: 1957(10/11) name: French, Dawn space: 44 ? Holyhead, Wales, GB url: http:/// time: 1957(08/24) name: Fry, Stephen space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1966(11/17) name: Fuentes, Daisy space: ? ? Havana, Cuba url: http:/// time: 1934(07/29) name: Fuller, Robert space: 1 ? Troy, NY url: http:/// time: 1977(/) name: Furlong, Edward space: 1 ? ?, ? url: http:/// time: 1978(12/02) name: Furtado, Nelly space: 1CBC ? Victoria, BC url: http:/// time: 1955(08/19) name: Gallagher, Peter space: 1 ? Armonk, NY. url: http:/// time: 1962(04/11) name: Gallo, Vincent space: 1 ? Buffalo, NY url: http:/// time: 1961(09/18) name: Gandolfini, James space: 1 ? Westwood, NJ url: http:/// time: 1949(03/16) name: Garber, Victor space: 1CON ? London, ON url: http:/// time: 1972(04/17) name: Garner, Jennifer space: 1 ? Houston, TX url: http:/// time: 1964(09/28) name: Garofalo, Janeane space: 1 ? Newton, NJ url: http:/// time: 1960(04/14) name: Garrett, Brad space: 1 ? Woodland Hills, CA url: http:/// time: 1931(04/08) name: Gavin, John space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1977(04/14) name: Gellar, Sarah Michelle space: 1 10001? New York, NY #new 7 gervais time: 1961(06/25) name: Gervais, Ricky space: 44 ? Reading, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1946(09/01) name: Gibb, Barry space: 44 ? Isle of Man, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1949(12/22) name: Gibb, Robin space: 44 ? Isle of Man, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1962(07/03) name: Gibson, Thomas space: 1 ? Charleston, SC url: http:/// time: 1940(11/22) name: Gilliam, Terry space: 1 ? Minneapolis, MN url: http:/// time: 1944(03/06) name: Gilmour, David space: 44 ? Cambridge, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1955(11/09) name: Gleeson, Brendan space: 44N ? Belfast, Northern, Ireland, GB url: http:/// time: 1964(09/20) name: Glover, Crispin space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// #jr time: 1968(01/02) name: Gooding, Cuba space: 1 10001? Bronx, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1981(02/17) name: Gordon-Levitt, Joseph space: 1 90086? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1974(03/01) name: Gosselaar, Mark-Paul space: 1 ? Panorama City, CA url: http:// time: 1978(07/19) name: Grace, Topher space: 1 10001? New York url: http:/// time: 1970(01/29) name: Graham, Heather space: 1 ? Milwaukee, WI url: http:/// time: 1970(09/09) name: Gray, Macy space: 1 ? Canton, OH url: http:/// time: 1974(02/08) name: Green, Seth space: 1 ? Overbrook Park, PA url: http:// time: 1971(07/) name: Green, Tom space: 1CON ? Pembroke, ON url: http:/// time: 1956(08/12) name: Greenwood, Bruce space: 1CPQ ? Noranda, PQ url: http:/// time: 1976(07/10) name: Grenier, Adrian space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1949(05/26) name: Grier, Pam space: 1 ? Winston-Salem, NC url: http:/// time: 1957(06/17) name: Gries, Jon space: 1 ? Glendale, CA url: http:/// time: 1968(02/20) name: Griffiths, Rachel space: 61 ? New Castle, AU url: http:/// time: 1988(08/24) name: Grint, Rupert space: 44 ? Hertfordshire, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1981(02/27) name: Groban, Josh space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1969(01/14) name: Grohl, David space: 1 ? Warren, OH url: http:/// time: 1948(02/05) name: Guest, Christopher space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1980(12/19) name: Gyllenhaal, Jake space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1977(11/16) name: Gyllenhaal, Maggie space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1955(06/15) name: Hagerty, Julie space: 1 ? Cincinnati, OH url: http:/// time: 1922(01/20) name: Haines, Connie space: 1 ? Savanna, GA url: http:/// time: 1968(04/14) name: Hall, Anthony Michael space: 1 ? West Roxbury, MA url: http:/// time: 1971(02/01) name: Hall, Michael C. space: 1 ? Raleigh, NC url: http:/// time: 1972(08/06) name: Halliwell, Geri space: 44 ? Watford, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1960(10/08) name: Hammond, Darrell space: 1 ? Melbourne, FL url: http:/// time: 19(/) name: Hampshire, Susan space: 44 ? Hamphshire, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1974(03/24) name: Hannigan, Alyson space: 1 ? Washington, DC url: http:/// time: 1945(03/24) name: Hanson, Curtis space: 1 ? Reno, NV url: http:/// time: 1980(11/17) name: Hanson, Isaac space: 1 ? Tulsa, OK url: http:/// time: 1983(03/14) name: Hanson, Taylor space: 1 ? Tulsa, OK url: http:/// time: 1985(10/22) name: Hanson, Zac space: 1 ? Tulsa, OK url: http:/// time: 1959(08/14) name: Harden, Marcia Gay space: 1 ? La Jolla, CA url: http:/// time: 19(/) name: Hargitay, Mariska space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1972(08/10) name: Harmon, Angie space: 1 ? Highland Park, TX url: http:/// time: 1969(10/28) name: Harper, Ben space: 1 ? Claremont, CA url: http:/// time: 1976(04/18) name: Hart, Melissa Joan space: 1 ? Sayville, NY url: http:/// time: 1959(11/03) name: Hartley, Hal space: 1 ? Lindenhurst, NY url: http:/// time: 1978(07/21) name: Harnett, Josh space: 1 ? San Francisco, CA url: http:/// time: 1969(10/09) name: Harvey, P.J. space: 1 ? Yeovil, Somerset, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1956(11/23) name: Harvey, Steve space: 1 ? Welch, WV url: http:/// time: 1967(07/27) name: Hatfield, Juliana space: 1 ? Wiscasset, ME url: http:/// #new 8 hathaway time: 1982(11/12) name: Hathaway, Anne space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1966(09/02) name: Hayek, Selma space: ? ? Coatzacoalcos, MX url: http:/// time: 1970(06/26) name: Hayes, Sean space: 1 ? Glen Ellyn, IL url: http:/// time: 1926(03/13) name: Haynes, Roy space: 1 ? Roxbury, Boston, MA url: http:/// time: 1954(02/20) name: Head, Anthony Stewart space: 1 ? North London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1958(03/04) name: Heaton, Patrick space: 1 ? Bay Village, OH url: http:/// time: 1969(05/25) name: Heche, Anne space: 1 ? Aurora, OH url: http:/// time: 1977(10/26) name: Heder, Jon space: 1 ? Fort Collins, CO url: http:/// time: 1931(01/19) name: Hedren, Tippi space: 1 ? Lafayette, MN url: http:/// time: 1947(05/19) name: Helfgott, David space: 61 ? Melbourne, AU url: http:/// time: 1958(11/16) name: Helgenberger, Marg space: 1 ? Fremont, NE url: http:/// time: 1968(11/25) name: Hennessy, Jill space: 1CAB ? Edmonton, AB url: http:/// time: 1930(12/09) name: Henry, Buck space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1963(08/03) name: Hetfield, James space: 1 ? Downey, CA url: http:/// time: 1979(02/21) name: Hewitt, Jennifer Love space: 1 ? Waco, TX url: http:/// time: 1951(08/06) name: Hicks, Catherine space: 1 ? Scottsdale, AZ url: http:/// time: 1974(05/03) name: Hill, Dulé space: 1 ? Orange, NJ url: http:/// time: 1967(09/21) name: Hill, Faith space: 1 ? Jackson, MS url: http:/// time: 1975(/) name: Hill, Lauryn space: 1 ? South Orange, NJ url: http:/// time: 1981(02/17) name: Hilton, Paris space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1965(09/21) name: Hines, Cheryl space: 1 ? Miami Beach, FL url: http:/// time: 1971(06/03) name: Hodgman, John space: 1 ? Cambridge, MA url: http:/// time: 1967(07/23) name: Hoffman, Philip Seymour space: 1 ? Fairport, NY url: http:/// time: 1931(09/12) name: Holm, Ian space: 44 ? Ilford, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1978(12/18) name: Holmes, Katie space: 1 ? Toledo, OH url: http:/// time: 1924(07/29) name: Horton, Robert space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1964(04/24) name: Hounsou, Djimon space: ? ? ?, Benin url: http:/// time: 1979(04/19) name: Hudson, Kate space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1962(12/06) name: Huffman, Felicity space: 1 ? Bedford, NY url: http:/// time: 1963(03/06) name: Hughley, D.L. space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1934(02/17) name: Humphries, Barry space: 61 ? Melbourne, AU url: http:/// time: 1964(09/22) name: Hunt, Bonnie space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1965(06/10) name: Hurley, Elizabeth space: 44 ? Hampshire, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1969(06/15) name: Ice Cube, x space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1958(02/16) name: Ice-T, x space: 1 ? Newark, NJ url: http:/// time: 1975(05/08) name: Iglesias, Enrique space: 34 ? Madrid, ES url: http:/// time: 1985(03/02) name: Iler, Robert space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1975(02/04) name: Imbruglia, Natalie space: 61 ? Sydney, AU url: http:/// time: 1966(01/01) name: Imperioli, Michael space: 1 ? Mount Vernon, NY url: http:/// time: 1956(02/16) name: Ingham, James space: 1 ? Akron, OH url: http:/// time: 1959(08/16) name: Innes, Laura space: 1 ? Pontiac, MI url: http:/// time: 1950(04/11) name: Irwin, Bill space: 1 ? Santa Monica, CA url: http:/// time: 1962(02/22) - 2006(09/04) name: Irwin, Steve space: 61 ? Beerwah, Queensland, AU url: http:/// time: 1968(10/12) name: Jackman, Hugh space: 61 ? Sydney, AU url: http:/// time: 1982(05/11) name: Jackson, Jonathan space: 1 ? Orlando, FL url: http:/// time: 1978(06/11) name: Jackson, Joshua space: 1CBC ? Vancouver, B url: http:/// time: 1961(10/31) name: Jackson, Peter space: ? ? Wellington, NZ url: http:/// time: 1965(04/26) name: James, Kevin space: 1 ? Mineola, NY url: http:/// time: 1960(11/19) name: Janney, Allison space: 1 ? Boston, MA url: http:/// time: 1965(11/05) name: Janssen, Famke space: ? ? Amsterdam, Netherlands url: http:/// #new 9 jardine time: 1942(09/03) name: Jardine, Al space: 1 ? Lima, OH url: http:/// time: 1953(01/22) name: Jarmusch, Jim space: 1 ? Akron, OH url: http:/// time: 1969(12/04) name: Jay Z, x space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1974(05/23) name: Kilcher, Jewel space: 1 ? Patson, UT url: http:/// time: 1955(03/05) name: Jillette, Penn space: 1 ? Greenfield, MA url: http:/// time: 1984(11/22) name: Johansson, Scarlett space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1944(06/24) name: Johnston, Bruce space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1967(09/20) name: Johnston, Kristen space: 1 ? Washington, DC url: http:/// time: 1975(06/04) name: Jolie, Angelina space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1956(11/21) name: Jones, Cherry space: 1 ? Paris, TN url: http:/// time: 1942(12/04) name: Jones, Gemma space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1955(06/26) name: Jones, Mick space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1979(03/30) name: Jones, Norah space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1962(03/24) name: Jones, Star space: 1 ? Badin, NC url: http:/// time: 1969(10/22) name: Jonze, Spike space: 1 ? Rockville, MD url: http:/// time: 1975(12/17) name: Jovovich, Milla space: ? ? Kiev, Ukraine url: http:/// time: 1968(04/19) name: Judd, Ashley space: 1 ? Grenada Hills, CA url: http:/// time: 1955(12/21) name: Kaczmarek, Jane space: 1 ? Milwaukee, WI url: http:/// time: 1945(03/31) name: Kaplan, Gabe space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1970(10/19) name: Kattan, Chris space: 1 ? Sherman Oaks, CA url: http:/// time: 1959(03/23) name: Keener, Catherine space: 1 ? Miami, FL url: http:/// time: 1940(04/02) name: Keith, Penelope space: 44 ? Sutton, Surrey, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1972(03/09) name: Kelly, Jean Louisa space: 1 ? Worcester, MA url: http:/// #r time: 1967(01/08) name: Kelly, Robert space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1970(05/25) name: Kennedy, Jamie space: 1 ? Upper Darby, PA url: http:/// time: 1981(01/25) name: Keys, Alicia space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1939(09/13) name: Kiel, Richard space: 1 ? Detroit, MI url: http:/// time: 1962(08/24) name: Kilborn, Craig space: 1 ? Kansas City, KS url: http:/// time: 1967(11/13) name: Kimmel, Jimmy space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1963(03/11) name: Kingston, Alex space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1963(06/17) name: Kinnear, Greg space: 1 ? Logansport, IN url: http:/// time: 1953(11/03) name: Kinney, Kathy space: 1 ? Steven's Point, WI url: http:/// time: 1971(10/17) name: Kirkpatrick, Chris space: 1 ? Clarion, PA url: http:/// time: 1975(01/25) name: Kirshner, Mia space: 1CON ? Toronto, ON url: http:/// time: 1936(07/05) name: Knight, Shirley space: 1 ? Goessel, KS url: http:/// time: 1955(08/) name: Knight, Wayne space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1985(03/26) name: Knightley, Keira space: 44 ? Teddington, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1949(08/12) name: Knopfler, Mark space: 44 ? Glasgow, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1981(09/04) name: Knowles, Beyoncé space: 1 ? Houston, TX url: http:/// time: 1971(03/11) name: Knoxville, Johnny space: 1 ? Knoxville, TN url: http:/// time: 1968(10/11) name: Krakowski, Jane space: 1 ? Parsippany, NJ url: http:/// time: 1979(10/20) name: Krasinski, John space: 1 ? Newton, MA url: http:/// time: 1965(08/12) name: Krause, Peter space: 1 ? Alexandria, MN url: http:/// time: 1969(11/11) name: Kressley, Carson space: 1 ? Allentown, PA url: http:/// time: 1962(09/08) name: Kretschmann, Thomas space: 49 ? Dessau, East Germany, Germany url: http:/// time: 1983(08/14) name: Kunis, Mila space: ? ? Kiev, UA url: http:/// time: 1984(10/10) name: Kuriyama, Chiaki space: 1 ? Tsuchiura, Ibaraki, JP url: http:/// time: 1978(02/07) name: Kutcher, Ashton space: 1 ? Cedar Rapids, IA url: http:/// time: 1939(05/19) name: Kwan, Nancy space: ? ? Hong Kong, CN url: http:/// time: 1986(06/11) name: LaBeouf, Shia space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// #new 10 lagasse time: 1959(10/15) name: Lagasse, Emeril space: 1 ? Fall River, MA url: http:/// time: 1956(02/03) name: Lane, Nathan space: 1 ? Jersey City, NJ url: http:/// time: 1959(01/31) name: LaPaglia, Anthony space: 61 ? Adelaide, AU url: http:/// time: 1959(06/11) name: Laurie, Hugh space: 44 ? Oxford, England,GB url: http:/// time: 1984(09/27) name: Lavigne, Avril space: 1 ? Napanee, ON url: http:/// time: 1972(12/29) name: Law, Jude space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1968(03/29) name: Lawless, Lucy space: ? ? Mount Albert, NZ url: http:/// time: 1957(08/18) name: Leary, Denis space: 1 ? Worcester, MA url: http:/// time: 1954(10/23) name: Lee, Ang space: ? ? Pingtung, Taiwan url: http:/// time: 1970(04/25) name: Lee, Jason space: 1 ? Huntington Beach, CA url: http:/// time: 1964(07/22) name: Leguizamo, John space: ? ? Bogata, Colombia url: http:/// time: 1954(12/25) name: Lennox, Annie space: 44 ? Aberdeen, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1966(02/25) name: Leoni, Tea space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1971(12/26) name: Leto, Jared space: 1 ? Bossier City, LA url: http:/// time: 1958(05/29) name: Levine, Ted space: 1 ? Parma, OH url: http:/// time: 1946(12/17) name: Levy, Eugene space: 1CON ? Hamilton, ON url: http:/// time: 1971(06/25) name: Lewis, Jason space: 1 ? Newport Beach, CA url: http:/// time: 1963(04/26) name: Li, Jet space: ? ? Beijing, China url: http:/// time: 1975(07/11) name: Lil' Kim, ? space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1973(08/30) name: Ling, Lisa space: 1 ? Sacramento, CA url: http:/// time: 1964(02/05) name: Linney, Laura space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1975(02/20) name: Littrell, Brian space: 1 ? Lexington, KY url: http:/// time: 1968(12/02) name: Liu, Lucy space: 1 10001? Queens, NY url: http:/// time: 1962(10/16) name: Lonergan, Kenneth space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 19(/) name: Long, Nia space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1975(03/15) name: Longoria, Eva space: 1 ? Corpus Christi, TX url: http:/// time: 1961(04/23) name: Lopez, George space: 1 ? Mission Hills, CA url: http:/// time: 1970(07/24) name: Lopez, Jennifer space: 1 10001? Bronx, NY url: http:/// time: 1964(07/09) name: Love, Courtney space: 1 ? San Francisco, CA url: http:/// time: 1941(03/15) name: Love, Mike space: 1 ? Baldwin Hills, CA url: http:/// time: 1961(02/11) name: Lowell, Carey space: 1 ? Huntington, NY url: http:/// time: 1962(09/17) name: Luhrmann, Baz space: 61 ? Sydney, AU url: http:/// time: 1971(06/05) name: Lynch, Susan space: 44 ? Corrinshego, Nortern Ireland, GB url: http:/// time: 1917(03/20) name: Lynn, Vera space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1968(10/22) name: Lynne, Shelby space: 1 ? Quantico, VA url: http:/// time: 1979(04/04) name: Lyonne, Natasha space: 1 ? Great Neck, NY url: http:/// time: 1958(10/05) - name: Mac, Bernie space: 1 ? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1976(02/23) name: MacDonald, Kelly space: 44 ? Glagow, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1973(11/26) name: MacFarlane, Seth space: 1 ? Kent, CT url: http:/// time: 1957(12/25) name: MacGowan, Shane space: 44 ? Tunbridge, Kent, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1954(04/10) name: McNichol, Peter space: 1 ? Dallas, TX url: http:/// time: 1950(03/13) name: Macy, William H. space: 1 ? Miami, FL url: http:/// time: 1958(09/25) name: Madsen, Michael space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1975(06/27) name: Maguire, Tobey space: 1 ? Santa Monica, CA url: http:/// time: 1956(01/20) name: Maher, Bill space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1943(11/30) name: Malick, Terrence space: 1 ? Ottawa, IL url: http:/// time: 1950(12/13) name: Malick, Wendie space: 1 ? Buffalo, NY url: http:/// time: 1966(01/17) name: Malina, Joshua space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1947(11/30) name: Mamet, David space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1961(03/08) name: Manheim, Camryn space: 1 ? Caldwell, NJ url: http:/// #new 11 mann time: 1960(08/09) name: Mann, Aimee space: 1 23232? Richmond, VA url: http:/// time: 1969(01/05) name: Manson, Marilyn space: 1 44711? Canton, OH url: http:/// time: 1969(10/15) name: Marcil, Vanessa space: 1 92201? Indio, CA url: http:/// time: 1966(06/08) name: Margulies, Julianna space: 1 10977 Spring Valley, NY url: http:/// time: 1969(09/09) name: Marie, Constance space: 1 9xxxx? Hollywood, CA url: http:/// time: 1934(11/13) name: Marshall, Garry space: 1 10001? Bronx, New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1977(03/22) name: Martin, Chris space: 44 ? Devon, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1969(01/18) name: Martin, Jesse L. space: 1 2xxxx? Rocky Mount, VA url: http:/// time: 1975(10/16) name: Martin, Kellie space: 1 92502? Riverside, CA url: http:/// time: 1971(12/24) name: Martin, Ricky space: 1 00936? San Juan, PR url: http:/// time: 1980(01/22) name: Masterson, Christopher space: 1 ? Long Island, NY url: http:/// time: 1967(01/09) name: Matthews, Dave space: ? ? Johannesburg, ZA url: http:/// time: 1977(10/16) name: Mayer, John space: 1 06602? Bridgeport, CT url: http:/// time: 1964(08/15) name: Mazer, Debi space: 1 10001? Queens, NY url: http:/// time: 1965(11/20) name: MCA, ? space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1986(10/07) name: McAdams, Rachel space: 1CON ? London, ON url: http:/// time: 1972(11/01) name: McCarthy, Jenny space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1969(11/04) name: McConaughey, Matthew space: 1 78801? Uvalde, TX url: http:/// time: 1963(04/18) name: McCormack, Eric space: 1 CON Toronto, ON url: http:/// #plainfield time: 1969(02/08) name: McCormack, Mary space: 1 ?07061? Plainsfield, NJ url: http:/// time: 1961(01/19) name: McCrane, Paul space: 1 19104? Philadelphia, PA url: http:/// time: 1958(03/25) name: McDaniel, James space: 1 20090? Washington, DC url: http:/// time: 1961(10/26) name: McDermott, Dylan space: 1 06702? Waterbury, CT url: http:/// time: 1947(04/17) name: McDiarmid, Ian space: 44 ? Carnoustie, Tayside, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1970(07/03) name: McDonald, Audra space: 49 ? Berlin, DE url: http:/// time: 1957(06/23) name: McDormand, Frances space: 1 ? ?, IL url: http:/// time: 1957(07/09) name: McGillis, Kelly space: 1 92658? Newport Beach, CA url: http:/// time: 1967(05/01) name: McGraw, Tim space: 1 7xxxx? Delhi, LA url: http:/// time: 1971(03/31) name: McGregor, Ewan space: 44 ? Crieff, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1978(09/12) name: McKenzie, Benjamin space: 1 78712? Austin, TX url: http:/// time: 1968(01/28) name: McLachlan, Sarah space: 1CNS ? Halifax, NS url: http:/// time: 1978(01/09) name: McLean, A.J. space: 1 33416? West Palm Beach, FL url: http:/// time: 1942(09/29) name: McShane, Ian space: 44 ? Blackburn, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1961(04/02) name: Meloni, Christopher space: 1 20090? Washington, DC url: http:/// time: 1965(08/01) name: Mendes, Sam space: 44 ? Redding, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1963(10/26) name: Merchant, Natalie space: 1 14702? Jamestown, NY url: http:/// time: 1968(08/15) name: Messing, Debra space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1965(11/20) name: D, Mike space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1946(04/18) name: Mills, Hayley space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1942(01/08) name: Mimieux, Yvette space: 1 ? Hollywood, CA url: http:/// time: 1954(01/06) name: Minghella, Anthony space: 44 ? Isle of Wight, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1963(11/20) name: Ming-Na, ? space: ? ? ?, Macao url: http:/// time: 1968(05/28) name: Minogue, Kylie space: 61 ? Melbourne, AU url: http:/// time: 1945(07/26) name: Mirren, Helen space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1958(10/31) name: Mitchell, Brian space: 1 98101? Seattle, WA url: http:/// time: 1970(03/27) name: Mitchell, Elizabeth space: 1 90086? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1965(09/11) name: Moby, ? space: 1 10001? Harlem, NY url: http:/// time: 1953(05/24) name: Molina, Alfred space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// #new 12 moloney #WOODLAND time: 1969(10/03) name: Moloney, Janet space: 1 ?95695 Woodland Hills, CA url: http:/// time: 1980(10/24) name: Monica, Arnold space: 1 30337 College Park, GA url: http:/// #2 counties time: 1967(12/11) name: Mo'Nique, ? space: 1 21? Woodlawn, MD url: http:/// time: 1960(12/03) name: Moore, Julianne space: 1 28307? Fort Bragg, NC url: http:/// time: 1984(04/10) name: Moore, Mandy space: 1 03060? Nashua, NH url: http:/// time: 1954(04/23) name: Moore, Micheal space: 1 48501? Flint, MI url: http:/// time: 1962(10/01) name: Morales, Esai space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1928(01/23) name: Moreau, Jeanne space: 33 ? Paris, FR url: http:/// time: 1974(06/01) name: Morissette, Alanis space: 1CON ? Ottawa, ON url: http:/// time: 1937(02/01) name: Morris, Garrett space: 1 70140? New Orleans, LA url: http:/// time: 1953(10/11) name: Morse, David space: 1 01915 Beverly, MA url: http:/// time: 1958(10/20) name: Mortensen, Viggo space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1971(12/01) name: Mortimer, Emily space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1977(05/13) name: Morton, Samantha space: 44 ? Nottingham, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1967(08/21) name: Moss, Carrie-Anne space: 1CBC ? Vancouver, BC url: http:/// time: 1930(12/17) name: Mueller-Stahl, Armin space: ? ? Tilsit, East Prussia url: http:/// time: 1958(11/12) name: Mullally, Megan space: 1 90086? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1960 name: Mullan, Peter space: 44 ? Peterhead, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1963(10/31) name: Mulroney, Dermot space: 1 ? Alexandria, VA url: http:/// time: 1985(12/05) name: Muniz, Frankie space: 1 07451? Ridgewood, NJ url: http:/// time: 1977(11/10) name: Murphy, Brittany space: 1 30301? Atlanta, GA url: http:/// time: 1958(03/07) name: Murphy, Donna space: 1 10001? Queens, NY url: http:/// time: 1975(10/05) name: Nagra, Parminder space: 44 ? Leicester, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1967(06/07) name: Navarro, Dave space: 1 90401? Santa Monica, CA url: http:/// time: 1942(12/30) name: Nesmith, Mike space: 1 77052? Houston, TX url: http:/// time: 1929(08/16) name: Nettleton, Lois space: 1 60303? Oak Park, IL url: http:/// time: 1965(07/03) name: Nielson, Connie space: ? ? Copenhagen, Denmark url: http:/// time: 1949(12/12) name: Nighy, Bill space: 1 ? Caterham, Surrey, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1966(04/09) name: Nixon, Cynthia space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1947(11/05) name: Noone, Peter space: 44 ? Manchester, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1969(08/18) name: Northam, Jeremy space: 44 ? Cambridge, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1969(08/18) name: Norton, Edward space: 1 21045? Columbia, MD url: http:/// time: 1939(07/31) name: Nuyen, France space: 33 ? Marseilles, FR url: http:/// #san fernando time: 1966(10/06) name: Obradors, Jacqueline space: 1 91341? San Fernando Valley, CA url: http:/// time: 1969(06/12) name: O'Conner, Frances space: 44 ? Oxford, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1963(01/23) name: O'Grady, Gail space: 1 48231? Detroit, MI url: http:/// time: 1971(07/20) name: Oh, Sandra space: 1CON ? Nepean, ON url: http:/// time: 1954(03/04) name: O'Hara, Catherine space: 1CON ? Toronto, ON url: http:/// time: 1986(06/13) name: Olsen, Ashley space: 1 ? Sherman Oaks, CA url: http:/// time: 1986(06/13) name: Olsen, Mary-Kate space: 1 ? Sherman Oaks, CA url: http:/// time: 1928(07/14) name: Olson, Nancy space: 1 53201? Milwaukee, WI url: http:/// time: 1969(10/31) name: O'Malley, Mike space: 1 02205? Boston, MA url: http:/// time: 1946(01/24) name: Ontkean, Michael space: 1CBC ? Vancouver, BC url: http:/// time: 1965(01/04) name: Ormond, Julia space: 44 ? Epsom, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1985(11/08) name: Osbourne, Jack space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1984(10/27) name: Osbourne, Kelly space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1952(10/10) name: Osbourne, Sharon space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// #new 13 osment time: 1988(04/10) name: Osment, Haley Joel space: 1 90086? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1923(04/22) name: Page, Bettie space: 1 37202? Nashville, TN url: http:/// time: 1933(08/19) name: Paget, Debra space: 1 80202? Denver, CO url: http:/// time: 1927(06/04) name: Palmer, Geoffrey space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1951(05/15) name: Palminteri, Chazz space: 1 10001? Bronx, NY url: http:/// time: 1972(09/28) name: Paltrow, Gwyneth space: 1 90086? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1951(09/12) name: Pantoliano, Jo space: 1 07030 Hoboken, NJ url: http:/// time: 1954(06/14) name: Patton, Will space: 1 29402? Charleston, SC url: http:/// time: 1959(05/29) name: Paul, Adrian space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1915(01/09) name: Paul, Les space: 1 53186? Waukesha, WI url: http:/// time: 1975(12/17) name: Paulson, Sarah space: 1 33601? Tampa, FL url: http:/// time: 1955(05/17) name: Paxton, Bill space: 1 76161? Fort Worth, TX url: http:/// time: 1967(10/05) name: Pearce, Guy space: 44 ? Ely, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1972(01/11) name: Peet, Amanda space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1941(03/14) name: Petersen, Wolfgang space: 44 ? Emden, DE url: http:/// time: 1963(03/23) name: Petty, Lori space: 1 37401? Chattanooga, TN url: http:/// time: 1967(04/17) name: Phair, Liz space: 1 06511? New Haven, CT url: http:/// time: 1974(09/10) name: Phillippe, Ryan space: 1 ? New Castle, DE url: http:/// time: 1934(05/14) name: Phillips, Sian space: 44W ? Bettws, Wales, GB url: http:/// time: 1974(10/28) name: Phoenix, Joaquin space: 1 00936? San Juan, PR url: http:/// #pink time: 1979(09/08) name: Moore, Alecia space: 1 18901 Doylestown, PA url: http:/// time: 1971(09/18) name: Pinkett Smith, Jada space: 1 21203? Baltimore, MD url: http:/// time: 1964(04/16) name: Pirner, David space: 1 54303? Green Bay, WI url: http:/// time: 1965(07/26) name: Piven, Jeremy space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1948(08/20) name: Plant, Robert space: 44 ? West Bromwich, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1969(11/10) name: Pompeo, Ellen space: 1 02149 Everett, MA url: http:/// time: 1947(04/21) name: Pop, Iggy space: 1 49440? Muskegon, MI url: http:/// time: 1981(06/09) name: Portman, Natalie space: ? ? Jerusalem, IL url: http:/// time: 1968(11/08) name: Posey, Parker space: 1 21203? Baltimore, MD url: http:/// time: 1974(07/22) name: Potente, Franka space: 49 ? Dulman, DE url: http:/// time: 1980(03/07) name: Prepon, Laura space: 1 07069 Watchung, NJ url: http:/// time: 1966(12/15) name: Price, Molly space: 1 07060? North Plainfield, NJ url: http:/// #richmond county merged time: 1957(08/05) name: Prince, Faith space: 1 30903? Augusta, GA url: http:/// #JR time: 1976(03/08) name: Prinze, Freddie space: 1 87101? Albuquerque, NM url: http:/// time: 1961(11/01) name: Probst, Jeff space: 1 67202? Wichita, KS url: http:/// time: 1968(10/18) name: Proctor, Emily space: 1 27611? Raleigh, NC url: http:/// time: 1937(01/20) name: Provine, Dorothy space: 1 ? Deadwood, SD url: http:/// time: 1949(01/08) name: Puck, Wolfgang space: ? ? Saint Veit, AT url: http:/// time: 1953(12/17) name: Pullman, Bill space: 1 14843 Hornell, NY url: http:/// time: 1970(03/18) name: Queen Latifah, ? space: 1 07102? Newark, NJ url: http:/// time: 1959(08/15) name: Quinn, Colin space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1989(07/23) name: Radcliffe, Daniel space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1910(01/12) name: Rainer, Luise space: ? ? Vienna, AT url: http:/// time: 1983(10/02) name: Ramirez, Efren space: 1 90086? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1952(01/29) name: Ramone, Tommy space: ? ? Budapest, HU url: http:/// time: 1969(03/15) name: Raver, Kim space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1942(03/02) name: Reed, Lou space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1941(07/18) name: Reeves, Martha space: 1 36027? Eufaula, AL url: http:/// time: 1949(08/24) name: Regalbuto, Joe space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// #new 14 tara reid time: 1975(11/08) name: Reid, Tara space: 1 ? Wyckoff, NJ url: http:/// time: 1958(08/22) name: Reid, Vernon space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1965(05/24) name: Reilly, John C. space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1946(10/26) name: Reitman, Ivan space: ? ? Komarno, CS url: http:/// time: 1970(06/15) name: Remini, Leah space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1965(05/17) name: Reznor, Trent space: 1 ? Mercer, PA url: http:/// time: 1959(05/12) name: Rhames, Ving space: 1 10001? Harlem, NY url: http:/// time: 19(/) name: Rhymes, Busta space: 1 ? ?, ? url: http:/// time: 1974(12/17) name: Ribisi, Giovanni space: 1 ? Los Angeles, CA url: http:/// time: 1980(02/12) name: Ricci, Christina space: 1 ? Santa Monica, CA url: http:/// time: 1971(02/17) name: Richards, Denise space: 1 ? Downers Grove, IL url: http:/// time: 1934(04/07) name: Richardson, Ian space: 44 ? Edinburgh, Scotland, GB url: http:/// time: 1971(10/03) name: Richardson, Kevin space: 1 ? Lexington, KY url: http:/// time: 1951(02/23) name: Richardson, Patricia space: 1 ? Bethesda, MD url: http:/// time: 1966(08/28) name: Richter, Andy space: 1 ? Grand Rapids, MI url: http:/// time: 1982(08/28) name: Rimes, LeAnn space: 1 ? Flowood, MS url: http:/// time: 1970(10/02) name: Ripa, Kelly space: 1 ? Stratford, NJ url: http:/// time: 1964(04/17) name: Rochon, Lela space: 1 ? Torrance, CA url: http:/// time: 1966(02/07) name: Rock, Chris space: 1 ? ?, SC url: http:/// time: 1972(05/02) name: Rock, The space: 1 ? Hayward, CA url: http:/// time: 1977(06/22) name: Rodriguez, Jai space: 1 ? Brentwood, NY url: http:/// time: 1967(08/11) name: Rogan, Joe space: 1 ? Newark, NJ url: http:/// time: 1973(04/28) name: Rohm, Elisabeth space: 49 ? Dusseldorf, DE url: http:/// time: 1957(12/21) name: Romano, Ray space: 1 10001? Queens, NY url: http:/// time: 1972(11/06) name: Romijn, Rebecca space: 1 ? Berkeley, CA url: http:/// time: 1951(11/17) name: Root, Stephen space: 1 ? Sarasota, FL url: http:/// time: 1968(01/21) name: Ross, Charlotte space: 1 ? Winnetka, IL url: http:/// time: 1967(10/30) name: Rossdale, Gavin space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1986(09/12) name: Rossum, Emmy space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1961(05/14) name: Roth, Tim space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1956(01/31) name: Rotten, Johnny space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1979(10/09) name: Routh, Brandon space: 1 ? Des Moines, IA url: http:/// time: 1929(02/17) name: Routledge, Patricia space: 44 ? Birkenhead, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1967 name: Rowan, Kelly space: 1CON ? Ottawa, ON url: http:/// time: 1946(12/08) name: Rubinstein, John space: 1 ? Beverly Hills, CA url: http:/// time: 1956(09/17) name: Rudner, Rita space: 1 ? Miami, FL url: http:/// time: 1967(11/22) name: Ruffalo, Mark space: 1 ? Kenosha, WI url: http:/// time: 1951(02/24) name: Rupp, Debra Jo space: 1 ? Glendale, CA url: http:/// time: 1951(07/06) name: Rush, Geoffrey space: 61 ? Toowoomba, AU url: http:/// time: 1976(03/23) name: Russell, Keri space: 1 ? Fountain Valley, CA url: http:/// time: 1954(02/17) name: Russo, Rene space: 1 ? Burbank, CA url: http:/// #jr time: 1972(02/29) name: Sabato, Antonio space: 39 ? Rome, IT url: http:/// time: 1979(07/03) name: Sagnier, Ludivine space: 33 ? La Celle-Saint-Cloud, FR url: http:/// time: 1969(03/17) name: Saint Patrick, Matthew space: 1 19104? Philadelphia, PA url: http:/// time: 1971(02/22) name: Salonga, Lea space: ? ? Manila, Philipines url: http:/// time: 1966(09/09) name: Sandler, Adam space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1961(11/14) name: San Giacomo, Laura space: 1 ? West Orange, NJ url: http:/// time: 1947(07/20) name: Santana, Carlos space: ? ? Autlan, MX url: http:/// time: 1967(06/19) name: Sara, Mia space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1980(09/13) name: Savage, Ben space: 1 ? Highland Park, IL url: http:/// #new 15 sawa scram schram time: 1978(09/07) name: Sawa, Devon space: 1CBC ? Vancouver, BC url: http:/// time: 1944(06/08) name: Scacchi, Greta space: 39 ? Milan, IT url: http:/// time: 1932(06/22) name: Scales, Prunella space: 44 ? Sutton Abinger, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1951(11/10) name: Scalia, Jack space: 1 10001? Brooklyn, NY url: http:/// time: 1955(05/27) name: Schiff, Richard space: 1 ? Bethesda, MD url: http:/// time: 1963(10/31) name: Schneider, Rob space: 1 ? San Francisco, CA url: http:/// time: 1968(07/17) name: Scramm, Bitty space: 1 10001? New York, NY url: http:/// time: 1967(10/04) name: Schreiber, Liev space: 1 ? San Francisco, CA url: http:/// time: 1937(11/30) name: Scott, Ridley space: 44 ? South Shields, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1976(10/03) name: Scott, Seann William space: 1 ? Cottage Grove, MN url: http:/// time: 1949(04/01) name: Scott-Heron, Gil space: 1 60607? Chicago, IL url: http:/// time: 1960(05/24) name: Scott Thomas, Kristin space: 44 ? Redruth, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1974(12/24) name: Seacrest, Ryan space: 1 ? Atlanta, GA url: http:/// time: 1958(05/31) name: Secor, Kyle space: 1 ? Tacoma, WA url: http:/// time: 1974(11/18) name: Sevigny, Chloë space: 1 ? Springfield, MA url: http:/// time: 1967(10/29) name: Sewell, Rufus space: 44 ? London, England, GB url: http:/// time: 1977(02/02) name: Shakira, ? space: ? ? Barranquilla, Colombia url: http:/// time: 1953(10/09) name: Shalhoub, Tony space: 1 ? Green Bay, WI url: http:/// time: 1964(09/16) name: Shannon, Molly space: 1 ? Shaker Heights, OH url: http:///