(an place page of
(alternative access at
Burkina Faso

National Assembly of Burkina Faso(on left)
City Hall(east of Assemblee Nationale on right), Ouagadougou

13 regions

226 ? ? Boucle du Mouhoun, BF
pop. 1,631,321 - BF-01
226 ? ? Cascades, BF
pop. 637,279 - BF-02
226 ? ? Centre, BF
pop. 2,136,581 - BF-03
226 ? ? Centre-Est, BF
pop. 1,302,449 - BF-04
226 ? ? Centre-Nord, BF
pop. 1,375,380 - BF-05
226 ? ? Centre-Ouest, BF
pop. 1,348,784 - BF-06
226 ? ? Centre-Sud, BF
pop. 722,631 - BF-07
226 ? ? Est, BF
pop. 1,416,229 - BF-08
226 ? ? Hauts-Bassins, BF
pop. 1,469,604 - BF-09
226 ? ? Nord, BF
pop. 1,185,604 - BF-10
226 ? ? Plateau-Central, BF
pop. 696,372 - BF-11
226 ? ? Sahel, BF
pop. 968,442 - BF-12
226 ? ? Sud-Ouest, BF
pop. 620,767 - BF-13

Capital, Largest Cities, and Ports
226 ? ? Ouagadougou*, BF
pop. 926,000

Telephone numbers in Burkina Faso


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