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Parliament House, Canberra

6 States and 3 Territories
6 States
61 ? ? New South Wales(NSW), AU
pop. 7,272,800
61 ? ? Queensland(QLD), AU
pop. 4,560,059
61 ? ? South Australia(SA), AU
pop. 1,650,600
61 ? ? Tasmania(TAS), AU
pop. 512,100
61 ? ? Victoria(VIC), AU
pop. 5,603,100
61 ? ? Western Australia(WA), AU
pop. 2,451,400

3 Territories
61 ? ? Australian Capital Territory(ACT), AU
pop. 373,100
61 ? ? Jervis Bay Territory(JBT), AU
pop. 377
61 ? ? Northern Territory(NT), AU
pop. 233,300
Capital, Largest Cities, and Ports
61 ? ? Canberra*, AU
pop. 381,000
61 ? ? Sydney+, AU
pop. 4,331,000
61 ? ? Melbourne+, AU
pop. 3,626,000
61 ? ? Brisbane+, AU
pop. 1,758,000
61 ? ? Perth, AU
pop. 1,474,000
61 ? ? Adelaide+, AU
pop. 1,134,000
61 ? ? Fremantle+, AU 61 ? ? Geelong+, AU
Telephone numbers in Australia
Australian Communications and Media Authority "The Australian telephone numbering plan describes the allocation of phone numbers in Australia. It has changed many times, the most recent major reorganisation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority taking place between 1994 and 1998."
Telstra "Australia's largest telecommunications and media company"
Excel file of exchange prefixes via Telstra Wholesale site

Postcodes in Australia



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please contact our webmaster: Edward M. Stadick